Basic (07-08)

DI 11020.085 Childhood Disability Benefit (CDB) Claims Excluded from Field Office (FO) Authorization

For detailed information, see GN 01010.027 “District Office Final Authorization”.

The following types of CDB claims are excluded from final authorization in the FO and Claims Representatives (CRs) must select the non-District Office Final Authorization (NON-DOFA) reason on the Decision Input (DECI) screen to alert the Processing Center (PC):

  1. a. 

    Adverse claim (GN 01010.027D.1. “List of DOFA exclusions and description of exclusion codes”);

  2. b. 

    Current award where there is a prior claim pending at the Appeals Council; (DI 12045.027 & GN 03104.380);

  3. c. 

    Survivor Claim – Railroad Board (RRB) jurisdiction determination pending (DI 11010.262, DI 11010.262, and DI 11050.045);

  4. d. 

    Claims that the FO must submit to the PC or Regional Office (RO) for a precedent decision (GN 01010.810); or

  5. e. 

    SSA has jurisdiction for the disability determination:

    • NH is career RR - send to Great Lake Processing Service Center (GLPSC) – Disability Processing Branch (DPB) (see DI 11050.045 “Developing for Medical Evidence”, and DI 11050.005 “Categories of Railroad (RR) Related Claims”);

    • Foreign claims - send to the Office of International Operations (OIO) (see DI 11010.275 “Sending Cases to Office of Central Operations/Office of International Operations (OCO/OIO)”);

    • Emergency Clause Cases (see DI 11010.290 “Transferring Emergency Clause Cases by Disability Determination Services (DDS) to Office of Disability Operations (ODO) Flexible Disability Unit (FDU) or Program Service Center/Disability Processing Branch (PSC/DPB)”);

    • Changed identity claims (see DI 11010.270 “Title II Changed-Identity Claims”);

    • Claimant residing in the U.S. Possessions of the Virgin Islands or American Samoa - send to PC of jurisdiction (see GN 01050.055 “Determining Processing Center Jurisdiction”);

    • Claim for CDB benefits on the record of a grandparent when a disability determination is required for an allegation of disability for a parent whose whereabouts are unknown, or there is a refusal to submit medical evidence for the disability determination for the parent; or

    • Subsequent CDB claim filed after a prior Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), Appeals Council (AC), or court decision (made on or after January 6, l986) that the claimant was not disabled prior to age 22 within the period adjudicated by the prior determination where the claimant submits medical evidence. (If a court's decision affirms a decision by an ALJ or the AC that was made before January 6, l986, but the court's decision was made after January 6, l986, see the fifth bullet in DI 11020.070 (“Subsequent Childhood Disability Benefit (CDB) Claims to be Sent to the Disability Determination Services (DDS)”.

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DI 11020.085 - Childhood Disability Benefit (CDB) Claims Excluded from Field Office (FO) Authorization - 11/13/2008
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