Basic (03-86)

DI 39503.235 Workpower Analysis Illustrated

A set of facts is given for a hypothetical State agency workload covering 4 years--fiscal year 1974 (actual), fiscal year 1975 (estimated actual), fiscal year 1976 (estimated), and fiscal year 1977 (estimated). Following each set of facts are the calculations required to complete the workpower analysis table. The reader should bear in mind that the individual change factors used in the exercise, i.e., CE rates, MER rates, GPE rates, affirmation rates, case processing time, and examiner trainee productivity rate vary substantially from DDS to DDS. Consequently, the time statistics appearing in this material are only for illustrative purposes. The reader should also be aware that the types and numbers of change factors vary from DDS to DDS. Close attention should be paid to the individual calculations and their interrelationships from one fiscal year to the next. They are the heart of the workpower analysis table.

It is essential that accurate and timely records be kept in order to complete the workpower analysis table. The most reliable data and basis need to be used to support unit time data wherever possible. Specific data resulting from a planned study, personal observation, work sampling data (SAWS), when accompanied by complete rationale provide the best available support of projected changes. Estimates may be used as a last resort to support calculations such as denial and affirmation rates, examiner trainee productivity rates, case processing times, CE rates, general physical examination rates, the purchase of MER rates, case production rates, workload receipts, dispositions and pending statistics, depend upon daily, weekly, and monthly records. Examples of reference sources regarding these calculations are as follows: FD-7 (SAOR) State Agency Operations Report; the personnel roster; case production logs; and fiscal year reporting dates schedules indicating the number of working days and weeks per month and per quarter.

The illustrations are based on the following assumptions and factors:

  1. A. 

    There are 1,750 hours in 1 work-year (productive time).

  2. B. 

    The figures for fiscal year 1974 are given here, but should result from year long tracking and analysis of work done in the DDS.

  3. C. 

    The statement that “no changes are estimated or anticipated” means no change in the number of dispositions, rate, and processing time. Therefore, no calculations are required.

  4. D. 

    Decentralization began in fiscal year 1975, however, decentralization planning and related activities started in fiscal year 1974.

  5. E. 

    Planning and related activities started in fiscal year 1974.

  6. F. 

    In the training calculation, 520 hours represent 1 quarter or 3 months of a fiscal year.

  7. G. 

    For budget purposes, when reference is made to case processing time or processing time, we do not refer to the length of time it takes a case to clear the State agency, but rather the actual time worked by the State agency personnel on that case. This is called “direct time” or “productive” time.

    NOTE: The examples used in this illustration are not necessarily factual. Fiscal years 1974 through 1977 as reflected in these illustrations as 12-month years, with all fiscal years running from July 1 to June 30. (Actually, fiscal year 1976 ran from July 1, 1975 to September 30, 1976 15 months), due to the transition to the new Federal fiscal year October 1 to September 30, beginning with fiscal year 1977.


Exhibit--Workpower Analysis Summation--All Programs

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