TN 2 (07-24)

DI 55075.010 Disputes Between Beneficiaries/Recipients and State VR Agencies

A. Policy – no SSA involvement

The dispute resolution procedures in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, apply to any beneficiary/recipient who assigns a ticket to a State VR agency. Thus, SSA will not be involved in resolving disputes between a beneficiary/recipient and a State VR agency.

B. Process – dispute resolution process used by State VR agencies

Under the dispute resolution process of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, beneficiaries/recipients and State VR agencies can resolves their disputes by formal mediation, an impartial hearing, or civil action. Also, beneficiaries/recipients can receive State P&A services under the Client Assistance Program (CAP) and State VR agencies must advise beneficiaries/recipients of the availability of these services.

C. Procedure – handling beneficiary/recipient dispute-related questions

If a beneficiary/recipient who has assigned a ticket to a State VR agency contacts a field component to complain about the services the State VR agency is providing, advise the individual to contact their State VR agency or a CAP specialist in their State's P&A system.


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