Basic (04-23)

DI 60005.010 Guaranteed Income Financial Treatment Trial (GIFTT) Participants


A. Documenting GIFTT Participation

The Office of Research, Demonstration, and Employment Support (ORDES) will provide a list of participants who enrolled or withdrew on a monthly basis to the Regional contacts (listed in DI 60005.005E). For SSI recipients who enroll in GIFTT, the Regional contact will send the monthly project participation information to the FO of jurisdiction for input into the Disability Control File (DCF) and Supplemental Security Record (SSR).

For participants who apply for benefits while they are participants in GIFTT, the systems notations should be input by FO technicians in the Consolidated Claims Experience (CCE) and SSR upon initial contact. Participants are provided a letter from GIFTT that confirms their participation status in the project. FO technicians can also verify participation with their Regional contacts.

Under the usual business process, the Regional contacts will provide the FO the project participation information on a monthly basis to update the DCF and SSR to reflect the status of GIFTT participation. In the event someone contacts SSA who claims to be a GIFTT participant but does not appear in the system, FO technicians should alert the Regional contact immediately (listed in DI 60005.005E). The Regional contact will confirm participation status with the GIFTT project contact. If participation is confirmed, the Regional contact will provide the FO the project participation information to input in the DCF and SSR and the Regional contact will then alert ORDES.


GIFTT participation does not stop when a participant moves out of the area served by the GIFTT. The Office of Public Service and Operations Support (OPSOS) will alert affected regions when a participant moves into its jurisdiction. If a claimant alleges participation in GIFTT but resides outside of the Philadelphia or New York regions, contact the CDPS in your region.

B. Procedures

1. For GIFTT participants who apply for benefits

FO technicians input the project participation information into the CCE and SSR during the initial claim.

a. CCE Input

Input the following in the Direct Report of Contact field:

  • GIFTT participant

  • GIFTT start date (date of first GI payment)

  • GIFTT evidence submitted by claimant (EP/EVIEW)

  • GIFTT POMS DI 60005.000

b. SSR Input

  • Input GIFT MMYY in the CG field (where MMYY is the first monthly GI payment). For example, GIFT 0923 would indicate the first GI payment was received in September 2023. GIFTT is shortened here because of the character limitation in this field.


    Every GIFTT participant must have this entry. It is important for the demonstration research that the CG field is not overlaid by a subsequent input.

  • Input the following in the Remarks field, "GIFTT waiver case - special income and resource exclusions - call FO ### - retain this remark until 04/30/2030."

2. For SSI recipients who enroll in GIFTT

On a monthly basis, Regional contacts will send the project participation lists to FO technicians who then input the information into the SSR and DCF. Follow the SSR instructions listed in DI 60005.010B.1.b and DCF input instructions here.

DCF Input

  • Select Option 32 from SSA Main Menu in PCOM.

  • Select Option 16 from CDR Selection Menu.

  • Input GI in the Demo Indicator Field. GI is the demonstration code for GIFTT.

  • Input the MMDDYYYY in the Participation Start Date field where the MMDDYYYY is the month, day, and year the individual received the first GI payment.

  • Input the MMDDYYYY in the Participation Stop Date field where the MMDDYYYY is the month, day, and year the participant is no longer eligible for the GIFTT waivers. This date is four years after the Participation Start Date. For example, if the participant start date (date of first GI payment) is September 15, 2023, the participant stop date is August 31, 2027.


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DI 60005.010 - Guaranteed Income Financial Treatment Trial (GIFTT) Participants - 04/19/2023
Batch run: 04/19/2023