TN 52 (09-11)

SI 00810.007 Income Exclusions


Social Security Act, Section 1612(b)

A. Background

We reduce Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments by countable income. For definition of countable income (CI) refer to SI 00810.300B. When determining CI, consider any income exclusions.

Some exclusions totally negate the amount of income received. Other exclusions reduce the amount we charge. For example, any income may be wholly excluded (not counted) if it meets the criteria for exclusion of income received infrequently or irregularly.

B. Definition of excluded income

Excluded income is an amount, which is income but does not count in determining eligibility and payment amount.

C. Policy for income exclusions

1. Income exclusions under other federal statutes

Some Federal laws other than the Social Security Act prohibit counting some income for SSI purposes. For an overview of exclusions under other federal statutes, see SI 00830.055. For the guide to unearned income exclusions see SI 00830.099.

2. Exclusions under the social security act

Section 1612(b) of the Social Security Act provides for several income exclusions in determining countable income for SSI purposes.

D. References

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