SI 01110.000 Resources, General

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
SI 01110.001 Role of Resources TN 32 07-90
SI 01110.003 Resources limits for SSI benefits TN 39 12-10
SI 01110.100 Distinction Between Assets and Resources TN 51 06-24
SI 01110.115 Assets That Are Not Resources TN 51 06-24
SI 01110.117 Unknown Assets TN 51 06-24
SI 01110.200 Countable Resources TN 34 01-93
SI 01110.210 Excluded Resources TN 51 06-24
SI 01110.300 Determining the Liquidity/Nonliquidity of Resources TN 33 02-92
SI 01110.305 Resources Assumed to be Liquid TN 51 06-24
SI 01110.310 Resources Assumed to be Nonliquid TN 51 06-24
Valuation of Resources
SI 01110.400 What Values Apply to Resources TN 32 07-90
Ownership Interests
SI 01110.500 Significance of Ownership TN 32 07-90
SI NY01110.500 Land Laws Of Puerto Rico
SI 01110.510 Sole vs. Shared Ownership TN 47 12-23
SI ATL01110.510 Shared Ownership
SI CHI01110.510 Restrictions on the Disposal of Real Property Ownership Interest (TN 375 -- 07/2005)
SI DEN01110.510 Ownership by the Entirety
SI KC01110.510 Shared Ownership
SI NY01110.510 Shared Property Ownership (RTN 419, 09/2009)
SI 01110.515 Ownership in Fee Simple or Less Than Fee Simple TN 34 01-93
SI DAL01110.515 Ownership in Fee Simple or Less Than Fee Simple
SI NY01110.515 Intestacy Laws (RTN 429, 05/2011)
SI ATL01110.516 Equitable Life Estate In Home Property
SI DEN01110.517 Developing Equitable Ownership
SI 01110.520 Property Rights Without Ownership of the Property TN 34 01-93
SI 01110.530 Whose Resources to Consider TN 34 01-93
SI 01110.600 First-of-the-Month (FOM) Rule for Making Resource Determinations TN 32 07-90

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