TN 4 (02-95)

SI 01310.640 SSA-8010-BK - Other Income - Question 5

A. Procedure

1. How to Complete

Indicate “Yes” or “No” for each item in 5(a). Complete 5(b) for any “Yes” answer to 5(a).

2. Frequency

  1. a. 

    Enter the frequency income is received since not all income is received monthly.

  2. b. 

    Write “Continuing” in the “To” portion of the “Dates Expected or Received” block if the income will continue.

3. Alimony/Child Support

  1. a. 

    Ask whether a deemor (or an ineligible child)receives support payments.

  2. b. 

    If a parent (or child) allegespaying court-ordered support payments, document the allegation in the “Remarks” section and see SI 01320.145.

NOTE: Support payments that an essential person or the sponsor of an alien makes do not reduce income subject to deeming.

4. Cash/In-Kind Support from Outside the Household

Do not include expenses of the household actually paid for by someone outside the household. Record this information on the SSA-8000-BK, SSA-8203-BK, or the SSA-8006-F4 where use of the form is required (see SI 00835.600 ff.).

5. Income Not Listed

If an individual reports income which is not listed, use the “Other Income” blocks to record the information.

NOTE: In-kind support and maintenance (ISM) that the sponsor of an alien or an essential person receives is income subject to deeming (SI 01320.150) and should be listed under “Other Income.”

B. References

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SI 01310.640 - SSA-8010-BK - Other Income - Question 5 - 01/07/1999
Batch run: 10/03/2024