TN 42 (12-24)

SI 01801.014 Combined Application Project

A. Background

The Combined Application Project (CAP) is a government partnership among the States, the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), and the Social Security Administration (SSA). CAP involves streamlined procedures for providing Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits to certain one-person households eligible for both SNAP and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). SNAP benefits are processed for applicants for and recipients of SSI using the SSI interview, increased automation, and simplified allotment calculations, eliminating the need for a face-to-face interview with SNAP program staff.

There are two types of CAPs: standard and modified. The standard CAP includes simplified joint application processing by SSA as individuals apply for or have redeterminations completed for SSI. The modified CAP does not require coordination with SSA. Both CAP models use information already provided to the State via the automated State Data Exchange (SDX) system to identify and enroll SSI recipients using a streamlined application process. The information below provides more specific information about each type of CAP.

A full list of data elements available to the States via the SDX files can be found at

1. Standard Combined Application Project

Standard CAP provides an alternative to the joint processing provisions of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 for one-person households eligible for both SNAP and SSI. Florida, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Washington State operate a standard CAP. In addition, a standard CAP will:

  • Allow someone who meets the State's CAP-eligibility criteria to apply for SNAP at an SSA office by completing an SSI application or redetermination.

  • Improve customer service by providing a single point of contact.

  • Increase participation of SSI recipients in SNAP.

  • Continue moving toward paperless processing.

  • Limit administrative costs by minimizing duplication of intake and application procedures for two different federal programs.

Refer to Regional POMS Supplements and Regional Intranet Sites for more information and processing instructions on specific standard CAP States.

2. Modified Combined Application Project

Modified CAP is a State outreach project only. Modified CAP States use information from SSA's SDX to identify SSI recipients who are not already receiving SNAP. Potentially eligible individuals identified by the State will be mailed a simplified SNAP application by the State, which must be returned to a State SNAP office. Currently, the following States operate a modified CAP: Arizona, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, and Virginia.

SSA technicians screen and offer SNAP application assistance to individuals who live in a modified CAP State following the same procedures as they would for an individual who lives in a non-CAP State, see SI 01801.010.

B. References

  • SI 01801.005 Overview of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Benefits

  • SI 01801.010 Screening Individuals for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Eligibility or Application Status

  • TC 20001.040 Combined Application Projects (CAPs)

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