TN 75 (10-20)

SI 02305.024 LIs with Continuing Type "F" Income

A. Introduction

Cases with a redetermination profile code of "X" and a selection indicator of "F" are selected for limited issue development because the record indicates continuing type "F" income. However, if one of the following codes appear in the UMI field of the unearned income data (UMIH) segment of the Supplemental Security Record (SSR), these cases are not selected for limited issue development:

  • IRFG, IBIA, IOIA, or IIBN is in the first four positions of the UMI field of the UMIH segment of the SSR; or

  • TANFC or MULTI is in the first five positions of the UMI field of the UMIH segment of the SSR.

B. Background

In 1935, Title IV-A of the Social Security Act established the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program, which provided financial assistance to children whose families had little to no income. In 1996, The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act replaced the AFDC program with the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. TANF allocates federal cash block grants to the States for the purpose of providing assistance to families with children and little to no income. All States were to implement TANF by July 1997.

C. Policy for Recipients who Receive TANF (Since 07/97)

Recipients may receive TANF and SSI at the same time depending on the States' rules for TANF block grants. See SI 00830.403 for a discussion of TANF.

D. Procedure for Handling Type "F" Income Limited Issues

The use of RZwiz is required when processing any limited issues, redeterminations, and wage related diaries. See SI 02305.071. Once you have pulled up the RZwiz review sheet(s), follow the instructions below.

1. Identifying Limited Issues Selected For Development of Continuing Type "F" Income

Check the case redetermination data (CRZD) segment of a SSR for a profile code of "X" and a selection indicator of "F". See SM 01601.460. If the profile code of "X" and a selection indicator of "F" are present, then this case was selected for limited issue development because the record indicates continuing type "F" income.

2. Developing LIs with Continuing Type "F" Income

In the UMIH segment of the SSR, ensure the UMI coding is correct. D.3 & D.4 below provide the correct UMI coding based on the type of income. There may be type "F" income for the recipient, an ineligible spouse, an ineligible parent, or an ineligible child if any of these individuals are receiving or has received TANF payments for the period of review. See SI 013100.000 for more information about deeming.

  1. a. 

    If the continuing type "F" income is AFDC, follow instructions in SI 00830.400D and terminate the AFDC for anyone on the record.

  2. b. 

    If the continuing type "F" income is TANF, review the criteria in the two paragraphs below to determine if verification of the continued TANF amount is required.

    1. 1. 

      Verification of Continued TANF Eligibility Is Not Required

      If an individual (recipient, an ineligible spouse, an ineligible parent or an ineligible child) on the record is receiving TANF payments, and this individual has not received any wages during the review period, and the alleged TANF information is consistent with information on the SSR for the review period, do not verify the TANF payments.

      Proceed to D.3 if you can update the SSR through the SSI Claims system or D.4 if you cannot update the SSR through the SSI Claims system.

    2. 2. 

      Verification of Continued TANF Eligibility Is Required

      If an individual (recipient, an ineligible spouse, an ineligible parent or an ineligible child) on the record is receiving or has received TANF payments for the period of review, and this individual has also received wages during the review period, verify the TANF payments. Follow the instructions in SI 00830.403C.1 and any regionally issued POMS instructions to verify the TANF payments. Verify only the continued TANF eligibility for the individual receiving wages. Do not verify the amount of the grant. If there is an indication that the individual received TANF and wages during the same time, do not assume this individual remains eligible for TANF without verification.

      Proceed to D.3 if you can update the SSR through the SSI Claims system or D.4 if you cannot update the SSR through the SSI Claims system.

3. Documenting Continuing Type "F" Income in the SSI Claims System

a. State of residence does not allow for receipt of both TANF and SSI

If the recipient resides in a State that does not allow individuals to receive both TANF and SSI, complete the appropriate page(s) in the SSI Claims system for each individual on the record receiving TANF. Complete the ID field with the UMI code provided below. Once you have completed the pages for anyone receiving TANF, proceed to d.




Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Aid to Families with Dependent Children (Should only apply to periods prior to July 1997)


Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (State does not allow for receipt of both TANF and SSI)


Refugee Cash Assistance

Refugee Cash Assistance; Cuban & Haitian Entrant Cash Assistance; and Federally Reimbursed General Assistance Payments to Refugees


Bureau of Indian Affairs Assistance

Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance


Bureau of Indian Affairs Assistance

Bureau of Indian Affairs Adult Custodial Care & Child Welfare Assistance Payments


Adoption, Foster Care, or Kinship Guardianship Assistance

Title IV-E Foster Care


b. State of residence allows for receipt of both TANF and SSI

If the recipient resides in a State that allows individuals to receive both TANF and SSI, complete the appropriate page(s) in the SSI Claims system for each individual on the record receiving TANF. Complete the ID field with the UMI code provided below. Once you have completed the pages for anyone receiving TANF, proceed to d.




Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (States allow for receipt of both TANF and SSI)


c. Multiple sources of type "F" income

If an individual (recipient, an ineligible spouse, an ineligible parent or an ineligible child) on the record receives more than one category of continuing type "F" unearned income, the system will show “MULTI” in the UMI field for that individual. Once you have completed the pages for anyone receiving TANF, proceed to d.

EXAMPLE: Recipient received TANFC and IOIA payments. The system will show MULTI in the UMI.

d. Update the SSR and Close the Limited Issue

Once you have transmitted the data you entered in the SSI Claims system to the SSR and closed the event, the CRZD field should indicate the limited issue is complete.

4. Documenting Continuing Type "F" Income for Cases that Cannot be Updated Using the SSI Claims System

For cases that cannot be updated using the SSI Claims system, you will need to refer the instructions in SM 01300.000 to complete form SSA-1719-B and update the SSR using the information on the form. The instructions below will provide you with the UMI code to enter in the CLAIM OR ID NO field of the UM field on the SSA-1719-B.

a. State of residence does not allow for receipt of both TANF and SSI

If the recipient resides in a State that does not allow individuals to receive both TANF and SSI, enter the UMI code shown below for each individual (recipient, an ineligible spouse, an ineligible parent or an ineligible child) on the record in the CLAIM OR ID NO field in the UM field on the SSA-1719-B:



Aid to Families with Dependent Children (Should only apply to periods prior to July 1997)


Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (State does not allow for receipt of both TANF and SSI)



Refugee Cash Assistance; Cuban & Haitian Entrant Cash Assistance; and Federally Reimbursed General Assistance Payments to Refugees


Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance


Bureau of Indian Affairs Adult Custodial Care & Child Welfare Assistance Payments


Title IV-E Foster Care


b. State of residence allows for receipt of both TANF and SSI

If the recipient resides in a State that allows individuals to receive both TANF and SSI, enter the UMI code shown below in the CLAIM OR ID NO field in the UM field on the SSA-1719-B.



Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (States allow for receipt of both TANF and SSI)


c. Multiple sources of type "F" income

If an individual (recipient, an ineligible spouse, an ineligible parent or an ineligible child) on the record receives more than one category of continuing type "F" unearned income, enter the alpha code "MULTI" in the CLAIM OR ID NO field on the SSA-1719-B.

EXAMPLE: Claimant received TANF and IOIA payments. Enter MULTI in the CLAIM OR ID NO. field on the SSA-1719-B.

d. Update the SSR and Close the Limited Issue

Follow the instructions in SM 01501.004 to complete the RZ field and update the SSR with the information from the SSA-1719-B.

E. References

MS 08114.000 Income

SI 00830.403 Temporary Assistance For Needy Families (TANF)

SI 02305.071 Completing Redeterminations (RZs) in the SSI Claims system or on Paper Forms SSA-8202-BK and SSA-8203-BK

SI 013100.000 Deeming, General

SM 01305.200 Unearned Income and Exclusions (UM)

SM 01601.760 Unearned Income Data - UMIH

SM 01601.460 Case Redertermination Data - CRZD

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