Each month the Regular Transcript Attainment and Selection Pass (RETAP) Operation
identifies records for Medicare entitlement. Four months prior to attaining age 65
and four months prior to the 25th month a beneficiary has entitlement to disability benefits, RETAP establishes hospital
insurance (HI) and supplementary medical insurance (SMI) entitlement on the master
beneficiary record (MBR) for beneficiaries who reside in the United States, the Northern
Mariana Islands, the Virgin Islands, Guam and American Samoa.
RETAP establishes only HI for beneficiaries residing in Puerto Rico or foreign countries.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) does not automatically enroll these beneficiaries
in SMI. For more information, see HI 00805.115 and HI 00805.120.
SSA sends this entitlement information to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
(CMS). CMS notifies these beneficiaries about their entitlement to HI and enrollment
in SMI via the domestic initial enrollment period (IEP) package. CMS mails the domestic
IEP package three months prior to the beneficiary’s age 65-attainment month or three
months prior to the 25th month of disability benefit entitlement.
The domestic IEP package contains:
'Welcome to Medicare' letter;
'Welcome to Medicare booklet' that provides an overview of the Medicare Program;
Form CMS-40/CMS-1966 (Medicare card/SMI Refusal card) which is the beneficiary’s Medicare
card showing the effective dates of HI and SMI entitlement (on the front) and the
SMI refusal form (on the back); and
Return envelope to mail SMI refusals to the processing center (PC) of jurisdiction.
If we automatically enroll a beneficiary in SMI, the beneficiary has the opportunity
to refuse coverage. If the beneficiary does not want SMI coverage, the beneficiary
should follow the instructions on the Medicare card and in the 'Welcome to Medicare'
booklet to check the appropriate box on the card, sign, and return the card in the
enclosed envelope before the effective date. Once we process the SMI refusal, CMS
issues a new Medicare card showing the HI entitlement date only. Beneficiaries will
receive the revised cards about two weeks after we process the refusal.
For a detailed description of the domestic IEP package, see HI 00805.125B.