To be eligible for a subsidy, an individual or married couple must have countable
resources below certain limits prescribed by law.
Every year, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) considers changes
in the consumer price index and publishes updated subsidy resource limits.
Starting January 1, 2024, all applicants who meet Extra Help eligibility requirements will receive full subsidy
(the highest level of subsidy under the Medicare Part D Extra Help Program). The Inflation
Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 increases the resource limits for full subsidy to the
high resource levels, eliminates the low resource levels, and eliminates partial subsidy.
For more information about subsidy eligibility requirements or subsidy low and high
resource levels, see HI 03001.005. To view subsidy eligibility resource levels for prior years, see HI 03030.025
The amounts below DO NOT include the $1,500 individual and $3,000 married couple burial exclusions. The Medicare
Application Processing System (MAPS) automatically adds $1500 to individual applicants
resource limit amount (or $3,000 from married couple applicants), unless applicants
report NONE of their resources will be used to pay for funeral or burial expenses.
If an individual or couple expects to use some of their resources for funeral or burial
expenses, ADD $1,500 per individual ($3,000 for a married couple) to the below individual
or married couple resource limit amounts. For information about the Medicare Part
D subsidy burial fund exclusion, see HI 03030.020.