TN 31 (02-97)

NL 00703.900 Disallowance — Auxiliary Not Entitled to Retirement Benefits on Own Record

Document Identifier for Word Processor: E3900

A. Exhibit letter

When you applied for (1) benefits, we said we would check to see if you could also get benefits on your own Social Security record. We are writing to tell you that you are not entitled to benefits on your own record. This is because you did not work long enough under Social Security.


Why You Are Not Entitled

Work under Social Security is figured in credits. Please read the enclosed pamphlet, “How You Earn Social Security Credits.”

You need (2) credits to be entitled on your own record. You now have (3) credits. This means you need to earn (4) more credits before you can get benefits on your own record. If you earn these additional credits or if you think you may be entitled in the future, you will need to apply again.


If You Disagree With The Decision


If you disagree with the decision, you have the right to appeal. We will review your case again and consider any new facts you have. Then a person who did not make the first decision will decide your case again.

  • You have 60 days to ask for an appeal.

  • The 60 days start the day after you receive this letter. We assume you got this letter 5 days after the date on it unless you show us that you did not get it within the 5-day period.

  • You must have a good reason if you wait more than 60 days to ask for an appeal.

  • You have to ask for an appeal in writing. We will ask you to sign a form called “Request for Reconsideration.” The form number is SSA-561-U2. To get this form, contact one of our offices. We can help you fill out the form.


Please read the enclosed pamphlet, “Your Right to Question the Decision Made on Your Social Security Claim.”


New Application


You have the right to file a new application at any time, but filing a new application is not the same as appealing this decision. If you disagree with this decision and you file a new application instead of appealing:

  • you might lose some benefits, or not qualify for any benefits, and

  • we could deny the new application using this decision, if the facts and issues are the same.


So, if you disagree with this decision, you should file an appeal within 60 days.


If You Want Help With Your Appeal



If You Have Any Questions

3901C - Domestic

3901D - Foreign



SSA Pub. No. 05-10072

B. Requesting instructions

  • Send this notice when development of an entitled auxiliary's possible entitlement to benefits on his or her own record has been completed and entitlement to retirement benefits does not exist.

  • Use 3900B and 3900A in all cases. See NL 00703.005D and NL 00703.005E for 3901C and 3901D text and fill-ins. Refer to NL 00703.100 for 3100E text.



  1. (1) 

    type of benefits, e.g., husband's, wife's, widow's, widower's etc.

  2. (2) 

    total number of quarters needed for insured status

  3. (3) 

    number of quarters earned

  4. (4) 

    number of additional quarters needed

C. Typing instructions

Use Form SSA-L2000-C2 (Universal Notice). Refer to Form SSA-3428-U2, Determination of Disallowance Coding Sheet, “Name and Address Information” field in block 2 for completing the name and address. Information for the notice will be on Form SSA-573.

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NL 00703.900 - Disallowance — Auxiliary Not Entitled to Retirement Benefits on Own Record - 08/26/2013
Batch run: 02/11/2025