Basic (01-14)

SL 90014.501 Action Items for 2014

A. 09/15/2014

SL 10001.130 State Social Security Administrator Responsibilities

Subsection B.2. - third bullet - changed address to:

Office of Income Security Programs

Office of Earnings, Enumeration and Medicare Policy

2-P-19, #213

2400 Robert M. Ball Building

6401 Security Boulevard

Baltimore, MD 21235-6401


SL 40001.420 Modifications to the Original Agreement

Subsection E.2. - second bullet - changed address to:

Office of Income Security Programs

Office of Earnings, Enumeration and Medicare Policy

2-P-19, #213

2400 Robert M. Ball Building

6401 Security Boulevard

Baltimore, MD 21235-6401

B. 08/06/2014

SL 30001.357 Optional Exclusions

Subsection C. Election Officials and Election Workers

Second paragraph, revised the paragraph as follows:

Effective January 1, 1968, the Act was amended to allow each State to modify its agreement to exclude the services of election officials/workers whose pay in a calendar quarter was less than $50. For years 1978 through 1994, the threshold amount was $100 a calendar year. The threshold amount was $1,000 for years 1995-1999. The election worker threshold amount for calendar years 2000 and 2001 was $1,100; for the calendar years 2002 through 2005, the election worker threshold amount was $1,200; for calendar years 2006 through 2007, the election worker threshold amount was $1,300; for calendar year 2008, the threshold amount was $1,400; and for calendar years 2009 through 2012, the threshold amount was $1,500. Beginning January 1, 2013 and going forward, the election worker threshold amount increased to $1,600 a calendar year.

C. 08/06/2014

SL 40001.490 Agreement and Modification Exhibits

Subsection F. Special modifications and notifications

Deleted Exhibit 20: Modification to extend coverage to an entity that erroneously paid for social security coverage without a Section 218 Agreement, and added:

  • Exhibit 20a: Error Modification (Absolute Coverage Group)

  • Exhibit 20b: Error Modification (Majority Vote Retirement System Group)

  • Exhibit 20c: Error Modification (Divided Vote Retirement System Group)

D. 02/28/2014

SL 40001.490 Agreement and Modification Exhibits

Subsection E. Retirement system coverage group for divided vote

Updated the following Exhibits:

  • Exhibit 9: Modification for Section 218(d)(6) retirement system coverage

  • Exhibit 10: Modification for Section 218(d)(6) retirement system coverage for individuals ineligible for membership

E. 01/09/2014

SL 40001.420 Modifications to the Original Agreement

Subsection E.2. - Changed address from:

“ORDP, OISP, OEPIP, State and Local Coverage

Room 4430-42, West High Rise

6401 Security Blvd

Baltimore, MD 21235”


2400 Robert Ball Bldg., #166

Baltimore, Maryland 21235-6401”

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SL 90014.501 - Action Items for 2014 - 01/13/2014
Batch run: 10/09/2014