Retention Date: 07/07/2025
A. Purpose
This emergency message is to inform technicians of a systems limitation that prevents Claims Specialists (CS) and Claims Technical Experts (CTE) from completing the peer-to-peer review for T16 waiver approvals between $2000.01 - $5000.
B. Background
In October 2024 the policy in GN 02250.301, Waiver Approval Reviews – Title II and Title XVI, was changed to allow a Claims Specialist (or higher) to review and approve a T16 waiver. Due to a systems limitation, Claims Specialists and Claims Technical Experts are unable to process the 2nd PIN approval. Technicians are receiving “AMOUNT IS GREATER THAN $2000 - NEED MANAGEMENT” alert. Systems is working to fix this issue.
C. Temporary Instructions for Peer-to-Peer T16 Waiver Approvals between $2000.01 - $5000
Until the system is corrected to allow for CS/CTE 2nd PIN approvals, management should approve the input for waiver approvals between $2000.01 - $5000 and non-collect overpayment decisions over $2000. For more information about non-collect overpayment decisions over $2000, refer to SI 02220.005C.4.
Direct all program-related and technical questions to your Regional Office (RO) support staff using vHelp or Program Service Center (PSC) Operations Analysis (OA) staff. RO support staff or PSC OA staff may refer questions, concerns or problems to their Central Office contacts.
GN 02250.301 Waiver Approval Reviews – Title II and Title XVI
MS 00304.020 Decision Approval (UODA)
SI 02220.005 Documenting the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Overpayment