When we pay an individual more SSI than they are due for one or more months the individual
is overpaid. We must notify them, and any representative payee, of the overpayment.
We must dispose of the overpayment by making one or more overpayment disposition decisions
and documenting the decision on the Supplemental Security Record (SSR). The dispositions
include, but are not limited to:
Refer the overpayment to another agency for action; or
Determine that the overpayment did not exist, is erroneous, or uncollectible.
For information on what constitutes an overpayment, refer to SI 02201.005.
2. We must document all overpayment disposition decisions on the SSR, regardless of
the overpayment amount.
3. We must document the rationale for all non-collect overpayment disposition decisions
in the case file. For a complete list of non-collect overpayment disposition decisions,
refer to SI 02220.005D.3.a.
4. We must obtain a 2-PIN review by a Claims Specialist (CS) or higher for non-collect
overpayment decisions of more than $2,000 but less than $5,000.
5. Field office (FO) management must document their review and concurrence with non-collect
overpayment decisions of $5,000 or more.