Identification Number:
Intended Audience:All RCs/ARCs/ADs/FOs
Originating Office:DCO OPSOS
Title:FY 2024 Redeterminations – One-Time-Only Instructions
Type:EM - Emergency Messages
Program:Title XVI (SSI)
Link To Reference:See Reference at the end of this EM.
Retention Date: November 27, 2024 

A. Purpose

This emergency message (EM) provides guidance on achieving the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 redetermination (RZ) and limited issue (LI) goals. It also reminds field offices (FOs) to follow the order of priority when scheduling RZs and LIs and best practices for managerial processing of RZs and LIs.

B. RZ/LI goal for FY 2024

The FY 2024 combined processing goal for RZs and LIs is 2.489 million. FOs will have the flexibility to meet their combined RZ/LI goal with any combination of RZs and LIs. For FY 2024, RZs will be released in October and February. The October release contained 45% of the FY 2024 target cases and the remaining 55% will be released in February 2024. We are selecting RZs for all profile codes except the middle-error profile B without diaries.

    C. Achieving the RZ and LI goal

    We are encompassing several high priority cases in the October RZ release, including cases potentially affected by the counting of COVID-19 Disaster Assistance, such as Economic Impact Payments (EIPs). To prevent erroneous counting of Disaster Assistance as excess income (N01) and resources (N04), technicians must take time to thoroughly review records, apply appropriate income and resource exclusions, and document records per:

      · EM-20014 REV 9 Effect of COVID-19-Related Financial Assistance on SSI Income and Resources

      · EM-21050 REV 5 Special Processing Instructions for Applying Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Income and Resource Exclusions to Pandemic-related Disaster Assistance, and

      · AM-21045 System Enhancements to Exclude Unemployment from SSI Records

    The high priority cases also include records with past-due underpayments pending. These cases are included in the FY 2024-2025 SSI Equity Agency Priority Goal (APG) and should be selected to be worked as a priority. These cases will also require a separate input in the Global Ad Hoc Tracker (GAT) to indicate the outcome of the underpayment being released. Field Offices should be aware of AM 23067 for complete processing instructions.

    Therefore, to prioritize these time-sensitive cases, FOs should initiate the October run RZs released in November before initiating cases from the January run released in February. Please ensure you are accurately prioritizing cases per Subsection D. of this EM, such as those affected by disaster assistance.

    NOTE: We do not expect you to complete every RZ selected for your office by February. When the remaining cases are released in February, continue to follow the order of priority outlined in subsection D. of this EM to focus on cases with the highest value.

    Completing RZs initiated from a prior fiscal year (for example, an RZ initiated in August 2023, but completed in FY 2024) also count towards the RZ goal. FOs must monitor their initiated redeterminations to ensure they are developed and completed timely. FOs can obtain a list of pending initiated redeterminations from:

      · Starz and Stripes the Next Generation (SSTNG); or
      · the RZ and LI Pending List in MI Central by filtering the request to display ‘Initiated Redets’, ‘Unsigned Redets’ and ‘Signed Redets’.

    NOTE: Completed unscheduled RZs count towards the annual goal. Keep in mind that your FO gets a count for completing an unscheduled RZ whenever you start date a Supplemental Security Record (SSR). For start date records built using:
      · an SSA-450-SI (SSI Data Input and Determination), the count is received in the next RZ merge run.
      · the Modernized Supplemental Security Income Claims System (MSSICS), a count is given whenever we close the MSSICS event.

    IMPORTANT: Due to existing Ad Hoc Workloads and routine unscheduled RZs, managers will estimate the number of unscheduled redeterminations their offices complete and consider that estimate when determining the number of scheduled cases to complete.

    D. Order of priority and StaRZ and Stripes the Next Generation (SSTNG)

    Field offices should follow the order of priority as listed in SI 02305.017E when scheduling your limited issue and redetermination workloads. Profile C redeterminations with priority diaries are high priority cases for FY 2024. Following the order of priority ensures that FOs focus on the RZs and LIs with the greatest probability of improper payment.

    SSTNG allows you to organize your cases according to the priority order using filters. You can apply a filter to your SSTNG case list by clicking the “select filter” button on the SSTNG home page (SSHOME). The following table describes the selections to make for each level of priority:

    Order of PriorityFilter Selection in SSTNG
    1. Profile C with priority diaryprofile = C and diary = DI, 5B, 5H, SB, K6, K7, J3, J5, U5, S2, S7, KB, KC, KE, K8, K9, KP, KV, KZ, D8, R8, 3D, or I8
    2. LI with priority diaryselection indicator=X and/or diary = 5B, 5H, SB, K6, K7, J3, J5, U5, S2, S7, KB, KC, KE, K8, K9, KP, KV, KZ, D8, R8, 3D, or I8
    3. Profile E and Mprofile = E or M
    4. Profile Kprofile = K
    5. Profile C without a priority diaryprofile = C (this will select all HEP C cases, even those with a priority diary. You must manually scan the list to find those without priority diaries)
    6. Profile B, UC 1, and W with priority diariesprofile = B, 1, or W and diary = DI, 5B, 5H, SB, K6, K7, J3, J5, U5, S2, S7, KB, KC, KE, K8, K9, KP, KV, KZ, D8, R8, 3D, or I8
    7. Profile A with priority diaryprofile = A and diary = DI, 5B, 5H, SB, K6, K7, J3, J5, U5, S2, S7, KB, KC, KE, K8, K9, KP, KV, KZ, D8, R8, 3D, or I8
    8. LI without priority diaryprofile = X and selection indicator code = C (unverified self-employment), F (continuing type F unearned income), or G (payment continuation) or Z (dedicated account)
    9. 1619(a) cases with a special action code AN/A - Cases will not be selected this year
    10. Profile UC 1 and W without priority diariesprofile = 1 or W
    11. Profile A and B without priority diariesProfile = A
    We are not selecting profile B cases without diaries this year.

    NOTE: SSTNG will not allow you to filter using more than three diaries at a time. Requesting a focused list (For example, profile X and U5 diary) allows you to include the appropriate evidence request (For example, proof of unemployment compensation) in your appointment notices.

    E. Processing Requirements

    Redeterminations require full development of all non-medical factors of eligibility, unless a case meets the exceptions listed in SI 02305.001C.2. Data from the Office of Quality Review (OQR) indicates that most incorrect payments result from incomplete or incorrect development of income and resource factors. Therefore, it is important that technicians closely adhere to the following procedures:

      · Fully develop income and resources per POMS requirements in SI 02305.001, and
      · Within the rules of reopening, i.e., good cause, Administrative Finality, and fraud or similar fault, (SI 04070.001 through SI 04070.080).

    Even though Limited Issues are limited to one or more specific factors of eligibility, they also adhere to the rules of reopening, especially Administrative Finality.

    You MUST use the RZwiz worksheet during all RZ, LI and wage-related diary interviews. You do not need to retain the worksheet in the file after the interview. See SI 02305.071 Completing Redeterminations (RZs) in MSSICS or on Paper Forms SSA-8202-BK and SSA-8203-BK.

    When conducting Redeterminations or Limited Issues over the telephones, technicians must adhere to identification instructions listed in GN 00203.020A.2.b. to verify the identity of the claimant.

    Not all post-eligibility (PE) changes require an RZ. For a list of the situations that require the completion of an unscheduled RZ, see SI 02305.022A.3.

    F. Management Involvement in RZ/LI Workloads

    Managers and supervisors are permitted to assist with the RZ/LI workload if there is a business need. These members of management may only complete RZs/LIs if they have sufficient SSI training and possess the proficiency necessary to accurately and effectively complete RZs/LIs. Program proficiency includes the ability to fully and accurately develop all factors of SSI eligibility, including living arrangements, income and resources, and outstanding diaries. They must also thoroughly document the cases according to policy. Additionally, managers and supervisors who close RZs/LIs initiated by other employees must thoroughly review the RZ/LI for accuracy prior to adjudication.

      Direct all program-related and technical questions to your Regional Office (RO) support staff using vHelp or Program Service Center (PSC) Operations Analysis (OA) staff. RO support staff or PSC OA staff may refer questions, concerns or problems to their Central Office contacts.


      AM-21045: System Enhancements to Exclude Unemployment from SSI Records

      AM-23067: Processing Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Underpayments Related to the Fiscal Years 2024 and 2025 Agency Priority Goal (APG)

      EM-20014 REV 9: Effect of COVID-19-Related Financial Assistance on SSI Income and Resources – End of the Presidentially Declared Disaster

      EM-21050 REV 5: Special Processing Instructions for Applying Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Income and Resource Exclusions to Pandemic-related Disaster Assistance

      GN 00203.020 - Identity of Claimants

      SI 02305.000 - Redeterminations of Eligibility and/or Payment Amount - Table of Contents

      SI 02305.001 - General Information About Redeterminations

      SI 02305.017 - Release and Scheduling of RZ, LI, and Manual Deeming Case Workloads

      SI 02305.071 - Completing Redeterminations (RZs) in CCE or on Paper Forms SSA-8202-BK and SSA-8203-BK

      EM-23071 - FY 2024 Redeterminations – One-Time-Only Instructions - 11/28/2023