TN 34 (02-23)

RM 10210.210 Reviewing Age, Identity, Citizenship and Lawful Alien Status Evidence for an SSN Card

Follow this procedure when reviewing documents submitted as evidence for an SSN card.




Is the document acceptable evidence and of the highest probative value available?

Accept the evidence only when permitted under the requirements for the evidence factor the document is establishing (i.e., age, identity, citizenship and lawful alien status). For instructions about the acceptability of foreign evidence, see GN 00307.000.

  • If YES, go to Step 2.

  • If NO, attempt to obtain available evidence of the highest probative value based on the SSN requirement factors for evidence.


If the document is unacceptable and there is no other evidence available, provide written notice to the applicant explaining why the application cannot be processed per RM 10215.110.

Requirement factors for evidence:


a. Is the document in English or is English one of the languages used on a multi-lingual document?

OR -

b. Is there a written translation by an authorized non-SSA translator (as provided in GN 00301.350) to accompany the document?

  • If YES to either a or b above, go to Step 3.

  • If NO, (document is not in English and is not accompanied by an acceptable translation) review the document as provided in Step 3, prepare an SSA-533 and to request a translation of the document refer to GN 00301.365 and GN 00301.330. See NOTE in Step 9.

    • Enter the application in SSNAP, pending receipt of the translation as provided in RM 10205.310.


Examine each document

Compare the document with a valid document:

  • Compare when possible, the characteristics of the submitted document with the characteristics of a document known to be valid.

    Use the Administrative Confidential Memorandum (ACM ), the National Identity Document Database (NIDD ), the Docutector Site , which are all accessible on SSA’s Document Verification Website (DVW ), and RM 10210.700 through RM 10210.710. For more information on the DVW and the resources found there, see RM 10210.405 and RM 10210.220.

    EXCEPTION: If you are completely familiar with all the features of a State-issued driver’s license or identity card, see RM 10210.425A.1 and RM 10210.425A.9 respectively.

  • Visually examine the document to detect erasures and alterations. Determine if the document’s characteristics match those of a valid document.

  • If the document contains black light security features, use a black light to detect alterations and determine if the document’s security features match those of a valid document. Use the ACM and other DVW resources to determine which black-light security features exist.

  • Consider if available, using a magnifying glass (e.g., jeweler’s loupe) to inspect security features described in the DVW document.

  • Be aware that a document may not appear authentic for reasons other than those specified in POMS, the ACM , and other resources, since there are continuously new instances of fraudulent activity.

Some characteristics of valid documents

  • The printed copy is evenly centered on the paper;

  • The font size and style are uniform;

  • The item numbers are in consecutive order with none missing;

  • If the subsection is lettered with a capital letter, all other subsections will have capital letters;

  • The print is clear and clean, not smudged;

  • The lines of print are even and regular;

  • The dates are consistent.

    EXAMPLE: The date the document was registered is always after the date of the event (to which the document attests).

  • There are no erasures.


Evidence documents that include a sex marker may indicate male or female (M or F) or an unspecified sex marker, such as an X. In all cases, the acceptability of the document does not depend on the sex marker shown on the document, even if it does not match the sex marker on the NUMIDENT or on other evidence documents, if provided.


Compare all submitted documents with each other

Compare the information on all of the documents. Disregard any discrepancies in sex marker. See NOTE in Step 3. Reconcile any other discrepancies. Follow the Step 1 requirement factors for evidence.


Ensure information on the SSN application is correct

Compare the information on each document the applicant submits with the information on the SSN application. Reconcile any discrepancies. Annotate the name of the authorized translator and pertinent document information in the “Remarks” block on the SSNAP Summary screen. List any additional evidence or documents the individual submitted not previously captured in SSNAP. Follow the Step 1 requirement factors for evidence.


Is the applicant’s identity questionable?

  • If YES, ask the applicant to submit more evidence of identity and resolve any discrepancies following the identity requirement factors in RM 10210.405

    • If you suspect the applicant is using a fictitious identity, see RM 10205.300.

  • If NO, go to Step7.


Is the applicant’s age questionable?


Was the document or stamp on the document issued by the Department of Homeland Security?

  • If YES, see RM 10210.560.

  • If NO, go to Step 9.


Based on the review, does the document appear to be valid and to belong to the applicant?

  • If YES, continue with the next step in the SSN application process.

    The next step depends upon the particular document and issuing agency.

    The next step may be further review, verification, or to process the SSN application to completion.


When an authorized translation is used, record the following information in SSNAP "Remarks" block:

  • the country of record

  • type of document

  • SSA official translator’s initials, and position or name/agency of non-SSA official translator, and

  • any other information useful to subsequent reviewers.

If the request for enumeration is associated with a claim for benefits, see GN 00301.286.

Otherwise, shred the translation and the SSA-533 following records management timeframe. Return the original document to the applicant.

  • If NO, the document appears suspect, fraudulent or that it does not belong to the applicant, see RM 10205.300 and RM 10205.305.

See Also:

  • RM 10210.205 verifying evidence

  • RM 10210.250 evidence of age

  • RM 10210.405 and RM 10210.425 evidence of identity

  • RM 10210.500 evidence of citizenship

  • RM 10210.555 reviewing U.S. passports

  • RM 10210.560 reviewing a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) document submitted for SSN

  • RM 10210.610 reviewing lawful alien status documents in American Samoa

  • RM 10211.000 evidence of lawful alien status

  • RM 10212.000 evidence for name changes

  • RM 10213.000 verifying evidence with issuing agency

  • SSNAP User Guide

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