TN 23 (07-05)

GN 00605.061 Explanation of Computer Printed Entries on Accounting Reports

A. Introduction

The computer printed entries reflect information on the MBR/SSR as of the month the case is selected for accounting. Title II second requests reflect the same data that was shown on the initial request (i.e., the data on the second request was derived from the offline annual accounting system control file not the MBR), unless there has been a payee address change in which case the new address is shown Title XVI (and concurrent) second requests reflect information on the SSR in the month the AR diary control is due.

B. Exhibit of Top Portion of SSA-623-OCR-SM

Top Portion of the SSA-623-OCR-SM (8/2007)

C. Description of Data Entries on SSA-623-OCR-SM

The following chart describes the computer printed entries on the 8/2007 version of the SSA-623-OCR-SM.




Payee's Name and Address

The payment legend and address.

Report Period

The 12-month period for which the payee must account for the manner in which the benefits were used.

Social Security Number

  • Title II - The beneficiary's claim number; i.e., the number holder's SSN on which the benefits are paid.

  • Title XVI (and concurrent) - The SSN under which the SSR is established and payment is made.


The beneficiary or recipient for whom the payee must account.

CF Conserved Funds

The amount of conserved funds (savings) that was recorded from the last accounting report.

TAA Total Accountable Amount

The amount of benefits the payee received during the report period plus any conserved funds reported on the last accounting report. For title II cases the TAA includes the amount of benefits the payee received during the report period plus any amount reported as saved on the last accounting report. For Title II cases the TAA includes the yearly amount paid derived from the PHUS record, plus the previously reported conserved funds. For Title XVI and concurrent cases, the TAA is derived from the SSR and the Title II amounts are obtained from the UMIH segment (see SM 01601.760) of the SSR, plus previously reported conserved funds.

The Economic Recovery One-Time Payment is not included in the TAA and the payee is not required to report on how they used it. See GN 02820.030 for details.




FP - Force Pay Indicator

An F is displayed if an F is shown in the force flag indicator on the SSR. SSA-6230 Title XVI only – E or F indicates force pay. G, H or blank not in force pay

ID - Individual Recipient Identification

This code identifies the type of SSI eligibility and the type of recipient.


NOTE: For concurrent cases, the ID and BIC codes will both be displayed.

BIC – Beneficiary Identification Code

This code identifies the type of title II benefits that are payable.

D - Direct Deposit Indicator

A Y/N (Yes/No) code indicates whether payments are being direct deposited.

TP, CC, GS - Type of Payee, Custody Code, Guardianship Status

Payee coding as shown on the MBR/SSR. The various codes are in SM 00550.080.

PC – Processing Center

The PC with SSN jurisdiction for title II payments (also shown in concurrent cases).

DOC - District Office Code

The payee's servicing field office.

PF - Approved Collective Savings/Checking Account Code

A Y indicates that the payee's approved collective/checking account is recorded on the RP accounting precedent file.

BSSN - Beneficiary's Social Security Number

  • Title II - The beneficiary's SSN. For BIC A this field will contain zeros.

  • Title XVI (and concurrent) - This field will be blank.




[ ]

The blank area below the data entry fields includes space for the scanlines. These scanlines are electronically read in WBDOC to clear the system control on the record.

D. Exhibit of Top Portion of SSA-6230-OCR-SM

Top Portion of SSA-6230-OCR-SM (8/2007)

E. Description of Data Entries on SSA-6230-OCR-SM

Parents, stepparents and grandparents with custody of minor children receiving title XVI (and concurrent) benefits receive an SSA-6230-OCR-SM to complete. The payee receives one form for each child.

1. Entries

Data entries that are displayed on the SSA-6230-OCR-SM have the same names or codes as those on the SSA-623-OCR-SM.

NOTE: The entries ID and FP, which appear in the top portion of the form under the report period beginning and ending dates, are unique to title XVI (and concurrent) cases.

2. Description

The descriptions in GN 00605.061C. also apply to entries on the top of the SSA-6230-OCR-SM, with the following exceptions:

  • This form has a longer scanline to accommodate up to four title II child beneficiaries on one SSA-6230-OCR-SM.

  • The form contains the child's first name and middle initial (the beneficiary's surname is displayed in the payee name and address legend).

  • The Total Accountable Amount is the total amount the payee received (plus any funds reported as saved from the previous report period) for all of the children identified on the form.

F. Exhibit of Top Portion of SSA-6234-OCR-SM

Top Portion of SSA-6234-OCR-SM (8/2007)

G. Description of Data Entries on SSA-6234-OCR-SM

NOTE: Effective with the February 2005 contractor mailing, organizational payees began receiving the SSA-6234-OCR-SM, Representative Payee Report, to complete. The organization receives one report form for each beneficiary for whom they serve as payee.

In addition to the computer printed entries shown on the SSA-623 and SSA-6230 described above, the following chart describes additional entries shown on the SSA-6234-OCR-SM:




FFS Fee for Service

A “Y” in this field indicates that, based on information contained in the Electronic Representative Payee System (eRPS), the payee has been authorized to collect a fee for payee services. GN 00506.001 and MS INTRANETERPS 014.008

DAA Drug Addiction/Alcoholism


A “Y” in this field indicates that, based on information contained in the Supplemental Security Record (SSR) or MBR, the beneficiary is diagnosed with a secondary disability involving a DAA condition and the payee may be eligible for a higher fee.

MFA Maximum Fee Amount

The amount shown in this field indicates the maximum amount of benefits the payee has been authorized to collect for payee services for the report period. See GN 00506.200 for calculation of fee amounts.

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GN 00605.061 - Explanation of Computer Printed Entries on Accounting Reports - 04/13/2009
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