TN 1 (09-93)
Sweden often pays a means tested supplement to Swedish pensioners residing in Sweden. The U.S. benefit could reduce the amount of this supplement. Therefore, SSA will advise the SLAFU of a U.S. benefit paid to Swedish residents.
Prepare a routing slip, SSA-559, after awarding benefits to a Swedish resident.
the month of entitlement (MOEN).
NOTE: If a beneficiary's MOEN is prior to the effective date of the Agreement, enter “01/01/87” as the MOEN.
the current MBA.
“Send this information to the SLAFU.”
Route the folder to a Liaison Clerk.
Complete Form SSA-2960-U3-SW Part II with “Date of Entitlement” and “Current Benefit Amount” information.
NOTE: This information cannot be released without a consent form unless a claim has been filed under the agreement.