Use the Brazilian certified coverage record to assign foreign “F” quarters coverage
to the U.S. coverage record.
There is no minimum amount of Brazilian coverage earnings earned before the U.S. can
use it.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) will credit one quarter of coverage in a
calendar year for every 3 months of coverage certified for that year by the National
Social Insurance Institute (INSS).
All periods of coverage, coded "W" in the "Type of Occupation" column is creditable
work related insurance certified by the Brazilian liaison agency the INSS. Do not
use insurance periods coded "NW"- non-work related.
SSA will not credit months of coverage under Brazilian laws that fall within a calendar
quarter that SSA already credited as a U.S. quarter of coverage.
SSA will also not credit more than 4 quarters of coverage for any calendar year, or
consider periods of Brazilian coverage credited prior to 1937 (the earliest day, which
U.S. law permits crediting periods of coverage).