If the NH refuses to cooperate; e.g., the NH and spouse are separated, and neither
the NH's refusal nor any other evidence suggests that the claimant is not the NH's
spouse, document the RPOC screen. Make your determination by comparing the marital
history on the NH's prior RIB/DIB claim with the claimant's history. For proof of
marriage requirements, see RS 00202.070.
If the NH's mental condition prevents them from providing reliable marital information
and the NH and spouse claimant do not live together, contact two individuals; e.g.,
a relative, the NH's custodian, who have knowledge of the NH's marital status since
adjudication and document the RPOC screen. Determine the claimant's status using this
information, the marital history on the NH's prior RIB/DIB claim and the claimant's
marital history. For proof of marriage requirements, see RS 00202.070.