TN 120 (01-24)

RS 00605.955 Processing Procedures for Advance File No Bendpoint (AFNB) Claims and Non-AFNB Future Month of Entitlement (MOE) Cases

A. Background

This section explains the AFNB process for Bendpoint cases and includes a processing guide (see RS 00605.955F). In addition, RS 00605.955C describes how to use the Future Month of Entitlement (MOE) Auto-Initiate process for non-AFNB claims involving established Master Beneficiary Records (MBRs) that require Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) updates.

B. AFNB processing Information

The following explains AFNB processing.

1. Automated processing reminders

  • You should always wait for the system to automatically process your triggered AFNB cases. There is no advantage to retriggering these cases when EC updates with the 2024 bendpoints, and doing so only requires extra work on your part

  • The overall and field office (FO) processing time for AFNB cases "automatically processed" by the system excludes any time accrued from the date of application through the day the system triggers the claim in the automated run (this results in zero day processing time).

  • MCS generates the ADVFIL and MCS EC issues on the DW01 when the AFNB claim adjudicates through EC. MCS is programmed to propagate a receipt date for both of these issues, but at different times during the AFNB process. It is important to remember that you do not enter a receipt date or change the systems generated tickle date for the MCS EC issue. The Office of Systems uses this date to ensure that all AFNB cases process.

    • ADVFIL: MCS automatically receipts this issue when you enter "Y" on the Earnings Comp Approval (DAPP) screen for the AFNB claim.

    • MCS EC: MCS posts a 12/01/23 tickle date when you enter "Y" on the DAPP screen for the AFNB claim. Again, do not receipt this issue, and do not change the tickle date. MCS receipts this issue during the automated processing of the AFNB cases that were triggered by the FO.

  • You are allowed to change the MATERIAL FILE DATE on the File Date Determination Screen (FDDS) for AFNB claims that you had to hold until the system permitted processing. For those cases, you can change the MATERIAL FILE DATE on the FDDS screen in the clearance path to equal:

    • 11/17/23 - Year 2024 bendpoints available in EC

    • 11/16/23 - BRI rates available in MCS

    • 11/17/23 - BRI rates updated to the MBR

The remainder of this sub-section describes AFNB processing instructions for different types of claims.

2. Single entitlement claims

Use the MCS EC AFNB process to trigger these cases. On 11/20/23, the automated processing of AFNB triggered cases will begin and will continue through that week until all cases are complete.

Effective 11/17/23, MCS EC will update with the Year 2024 Bendpoints. Cases triggered in the FO beginning 11/17/23 and later are NOT AFNB cases and will process to the MBR as normal adjudicative triggers.

NOTE: If you attempt to run ANY subsequent auxiliary claim (SUBSEQUENT CLAIM INDICATOR present on Application (APPL) Screen in MCS]) after the COM change but before the MBR BRI update, EC generates the following processing limitation: "POSSIBLE PRE-BRI MBR EXISTS -- HOLD FOR PROCESSING IN DECEMBER COM". Hold the claim until after the MBRs update with the BRI. Change the MATERIAL FILE DATE on the FDDS screen to the date you trigger the claim.

3. Dual-Entitlement (DE) claims

You will be able to process some of the AFNB DE claims through EC using the Future MOE AI process. However, if the future MOE is earlier than MOE on the established MBR, you will continue to receive the BENDPOINTS processing limitation.

On those AFNB DE claims that qualify as Future MOE cases, you do not have to hold the claims until EC updates with the 2024 bendpoints unless both DE claims are AFNB claims. After you trigger the case as Future MOE AI claims, the system holds the DE AFNB claims for future processing.

AFNB DE claims triggered as Future MOE claims process during the Future MOE AI run for the calendar month that is equal to the MOE for the claim.


The earliest Future MOE AI run for AFNB DE claims is in January 2024. A DE AFNB claim with a MOE of 01/24 will process by the system on 01/02/24. The MBR updates on 01/03/24.


  1. a. 

    Process dual-entitlement cases when ONE claim is an advance file claim as follows (for example, an A-B-A claim when the A-B account is AFNB and the other A account is non-AFNB).

    • Trigger the non-AFNB claim as a single entitlement;

      Remember: Include the MCS paragraph CLOR05 on the Notice 3 (NOT3) screen to alert the claimant about the pending entitlement to the other benefits.

    • Wait until the MBR establishes for this claim;

    • Trigger the AFNB DE claim using the Future MOE process, if the alert on DRMK screen tells you it qualifies as a Future MOE case (“TRIGGER CLAIM AS FUTURE MOE THROUGH EC”).

  2. b. 

    When BOTH dual-entitlement claims are advance file cases; (for example, an A-B-A case where all claims are AFNB)

  • Hold the claims until the bendpoints are available in EC (11/17/23);

  • Change the MATERIAL FILE DATE on the FDDS screen to 11/17/23 and

  • Trigger the claims as dual-entitlement through EC.

NOTE: If you attempt to run ANY DE claim with an established MBR after the COM change but before the MBR BRI update, EC generates the following processing limitation: "POSSIBLE PRE-BRI MBR FOR DUAL-ENTITLEMENT EXISTS -- HOLD FOR PROCESSING IN DECEMBER COM". Hold the claim until after the MBRs update with the BRI. Change the MATERIAL FILE DATE on the FDDS screen to the date you trigger the claim before processing these cases.

C. NON-AFNB claims involving established MBRs that require COLA updates – process as future MOE cases

The Future MOE Auto Initiate (AI) process was developed to help you process MCS claims where the claimant's entitlement on the existing MBR cannot be adjusted until the COM = the future MOE of the MCS claim. However, this process can also be used during the BRI period to trigger some Non-AFNB single entitlement cases and DE cases with a future MOE that previously resulted in a processing limitation if you tried to trigger them before the MBR BRI update. This procedure is discussed further in RS 00605.955C.1. and RS 00605.955C.2.

These instructions apply to MCS claims with the following characteristics:

  • claimant's future entitlement month is equal to or later than 12/23 (the COLA effective month); and

  • claim is NOT an AFNB case (i.e., eligibility year is prior to 2024); and

  • claim will process against an established MBR with one or more active beneficiaries on the MBR all of whom are:

  • not in advance file status; and

  • not the number holder; and

  • the claim is ready for final processing before the MBR BRI update on 11/17/23.

NOTE: The following processing instructions relate to Non-AFNB cases. You are not permitted to change the MATERIAL FILE DATE on the FDDS screen for these cases.

1. Future MOE single entitlement claims and DE claims with an existing MBR – NON-AFNB CLAIMS

  1. a. 

    An MBR exists with at least one beneficiary in current pay status. All pending MCS claimants filing on this NH's SSN have a future entitlement month equal to or later than 12/23.

    EXAMPLE: Mary Smith currently receives benefits as an independently entitled divorced spouse (IEDS) on Johns Smith's account. John files for retirement benefits and chooses a MOE = 01/24 due to work activity in 2023. When you request an EC trigger, EC generates the alert "FUTURE ENTITLEMENT INVOLVED --ACTIVE BENEFICIARIES ESTABLISHED ON MBR FOR SSN * - COLA NEEDED - TRIGGER AS FUTURE MOE CLAIM THROUGH EC."

    Trigger the claim using the Future MOE AI process. The claim processes during the Future MOE AI run equal to the MOE. In the previous example, this would be the January 2024 Future MOE AI run.

  2. b. 

    Some pending claimants on the NH SSN have a future entitlement month equal to or later than 12/23 and the other claimants' entitlement months are prior to 12/23.

    EXAMPLE: Jane Smith files for surviving divorced spouse benefits on John Smith's account. Jane attains age 62 in 11/23 and their entitlement month is 12/23. Kevin Smith, a full-time student, files a survivor claim on the same SSN with a MOE = 10/23. Robert Smith, another child of the deceased NH, has received benefits since 08/19 and Robert is the only beneficiary on the MBR.

    When you try to trigger the pending MCS claims for Jane and Kevin in the same EC request, the following processing limitation generates: PROCESS ONLY BICS ENTITLED BEFORE (MM/YY). PROCESS THE REMAINING BICS AFTER THE MBR ESTABLISHED.

    In this situation, you should request another adjudicative EC and exclude Jane's claim (the surviving divorced spouse claimant) from the trigger since Jane has a future entitlement month equal to or later than 12/23. After Kevin's entitlement processes to the MBR, you can trigger Jane's claim as a Future MOE AI claim since the family max is not involved.

    If Jane was not divorced from the deceased NH, and applies for regular widow's benefits, you may need to process Jane's claim by an A101 after Kevin's entitlement processes to the MBR. If Jane's entitlement requires an adjustment to the children’s' benefits, you cannot process the case through EC.

2. Dual-Entitlement claims with two pending records and an existing MBR – NON-AFNB CLAIMS:

Remember with the Future MOE AI process, you can process certain DE cases by triggering the auxiliary or survivor claimant first and then triggering the primary claim.

EXAMPLE: Mary Smith currently receives benefits as an independently entitled divorced spouse (IEDS) on John Smith's account. John files for retirement benefits and chooses a MOE = 01/24 due to work activity in 2023. John also applies for surviving spouse's benefits on their second spouse's account and there is no MBR on this account. When you request an EC trigger, EC generates the alert: "UNABLE TO PROCESS - ACTIVE BENEFICIARIES ESTABLISHED ON MBR FOR SSN * - COLA NEEDED. PROCESS SSN *1 (SSN OF SIDE WITHOUT MBR) THROUGH EC FIRST - HOLD SSN *2 (SSN OF SIDE WITH MBR) UNTIL MBR ESTABLISHED - THEN TRIGGER AS FUTURE MOE CLAIM THROUGH EC."

Process the claims as follows:

  • Process the surviving spouse's claim first and include the MCS paragraph CLOR05 on the Notice 3 (NOT3) screen.

  • Wait for the surviving spouse's entitlement to update to the MBR.

  • Once the MBR establishes for the surviving Spouse, process the RIB claim as Future MOE case. EC generates the alert “TRIGGER CLAIM AS FUTURE MOE THROUGH EC.”

Once the RIB claim processes in the future COM by the system, the SAMBA and LEMBA rates become correct. The system generates a notice for the RIB claim as well as an adjustment notice for the auxiliary.

D. A101/EF101 processing

  • FO Personnel: Show the converted PIA and rates for 12/23 on all A101s and EF101s adjudicated after 11/16/23.

  • PC Personnel: Follow SM 04910.005 and SM 04911.001 when processing pipeline cases. Any MADCAP actions with dual entitlement coding which would be processed the last day of COM 11 should be held until COM 12 (11/17/23) and prepared with BRI rates.

E. MACADE reminder items

The following are MACADE reminder items.

1. PRIOR to COM 12/23

  • DO NOT input 12/23 (or later) PIA/FMAXs through MACADE.

    NOTE: Please remember to delete 12/23 (and later) PIA/FMAXs when transferring Account data into MACADE from the A101.

  • DO NOT input 12/23 or later MBA’s through MACADE.

  • DO NOT input awards with an Eligibility Year of 2024 through MACADE.

  • DO NOT input 12/23 or later WEP PIA/FMAXs through MACADE.

  • DO NOT input Dual Entitlement cases through MACADE on the last day of COM 11. These cases will not be processed by DEMS - the other account will NOT be established.

2. BEGINNING with COM 12/23

  • Begin to input 12/23 (and later) PIA/FMAX/MBA’s through MACADE.

  • Begin Processing Eligibility Year 2024 accounts AFTER verifying that the PIA/FMAXs were based on the year 2024 Bendpoints.

    NOTE: The Title II ICF is scheduled to update in the Production Region beginning Friday, 11/17/23; before it updates an ALERT will generate that "results" are estimates.

  • Resume Processing of Dual Entitlement involved cases.

F. AFNB and COLA 2023 processing guide





MBR Established

Processing Steps:

Single Entitlement

01/24 or later


Trigger claim in EC using AFNB process

Single Entitlement

12/23 or later


MBR established with at least one beneficiary in current pay (NH not entitled on MBR)

  • EC generates the following alert:


  • Trigger the claim using the Future MOE process.

  • The claim processes during the Future MOE AI run for the appropriate month.

More than one beneficiary filing on the same NH SSN

Some clmts entitled 12/23 or later;

Some clmts entitled prior to 12/23


MBR established with at least one beneficiary in current pay (NH not entitled)

  • EC generates the processing limitation:


  • Request another adjudicative EC, excluding those claimants with a MOE later than or equal to 12/23.

  • Once the claimant(s) with MOE prior to 12/23 establishes on the MBR:

  • If the FMAX is not involved, trigger the claimant(s) with MOE equal to 12/23 or later, as a Future MOE claim(s);

  • If the FMAX is involved, the processing limitation “___ ADJUSTMENT NEEDED” generates. Process via A101.

Dual Entitlement

01/24 or later



  • Trigger the NON-AFNB claim as a single entitlement;

    Remember: Include the MCS paragraph CLOR05 on the Notice 3 (NOT3) screen to alert the claimant about the pending entitlement to the other benefits.

  • Wait until the MBR is established for the NON-AFNB claim;

  • Trigger the AFNB DE claim as Future MOE.

Dual Entitlement

01/24 or later


  • Hold the claims until the bendpoints are available in EC (11/17/23);

  • Change the MATERIAL FILE DATE on the FDDS screen for the claims to 11/17/23; and

  • Trigger the claims as dual-entitlement through EC.

Dual Entitlement

01/24 or later


MBR established for the DE claimant

Trigger the claim using the Future MOE AI process.

Dual - Entitlement

12/23 or later


MBR established for DE claimant and NH not entitled

MBR present for current claim with at least one beneficiary in current pay

  • EC generates the following alert,


  • Trigger the claim using the Future MOE process.

  • The claim processes during the Future MOE AI run for the appropriate month.


12/23 or later


MBR established with at least one beneficiary in current pay

  • EC generates the following processing limitation,


  • Process the DE claim that does not have an MBR established.

    Remember: Include the MCS paragraph CLOR05 on the Notice 3 (NOT3) screen to alert the claimant about the pending entitlement to the other benefits

  • Once the MBR establishes for the DE claim, process the other pending claim as a Future MOE case. The following alert generates:


G. Reference

  • SM 00805.045 Advance Filing Awards,


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RS 00605.955 - Processing Procedures for Advance File No Bendpoint (AFNB) Claims and Non-AFNB Future Month of Entitlement (MOE) Cases - 01/16/2024
Batch run: 01/16/2024