ODO may receive reports of work directly from the beneficiary, the provider of services,
or from the field office (FO) (see DI 14510.007E). When you receive a work report, determine if the work experience is part of the
beneficiary's Individual Work Plan (IWP), Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE),
similar individualized written employment plan, or Individualized Education Program
(IEP). If so, you do not need to take further action.
If the work experience is not part of the beneficiary's plan, determine if the beneficiary
stopped participating in his or her plan or if he or she completed the program. If
he or she stopped participating or completed the program, terminate benefits per DI 14510.030C.
If the beneficiary is still participating in his or her program but the work experience
is not part of the plan, consider:
Is the work at the substantial gainful activity level?
Has the beneficiary acquired the education, work skills, or experience that was the
basis for the initial likelihood determination?
These are indicators that continued participation in the program will no longer increase
the likelihood of his or her permanent removal from the disability or blindness benefit
rolls. If participation in the program will not increase the likelihood of his or
her permanent removal from the disability or blindness benefit rolls, terminate benefits
per DI 14510.030C.