A claimant may file a disability claim many months before attaining insured status
when wages are earned within the calendar year, but not yet posted as quarters of
coverage (lag earnings). The field office (FO) may determine insured status up to
9 months prior to the actual accrual of the insuring quarters within that calendar
year. If a claimant files a disability claim prior to meeting insured status, the
Annotates the SSA-3367 Disability Report – Field Office with the future date of insured
status, “Date first insured”, and the mm/dd/yy listed; and
Forwards the claim to the DDS for a disability determination.
NOTE: The FO cannot technically deny these claims for lack of insured status since insured
status is met at some future date.
If the DDS allows the claim, the DDS:
Establishes an onset date based on the medical and other evidence in file; and
Forwards the claim to the FO.
The FO corrects the onset date to the first day of the quarter the claimant meets
insured status. This date is the established onset date (EOD) and the waiting period
is counted from the EOD.
The FO sends the case back to the DDS for an amended EOD and the DDS adjudicates the
case accordingly if the FO later determines that it needs to amend the date first
insured due to:
An earlier onset date can be established; or
DI 25501.300A – Established Onset Dates (EOD) for Disability Insurance Benefit (DIB) Claims