The DDS case processing system download and receipt queue indicates whether a case
has been marked for fast-track processing. To ensure quick processing of CAL and QDD
cases, the DDS case processing systems automate the “Accept Jurisdiction” EFI transaction
The system also indicates whether the Document Management Architecture (DMA) stored
an image of the signed SSA-827 Authorization to Disclose Information to the Social Security Administration (SSA).
The DDS should monitor the Download/Receipt queue to expeditiously receipt and assign
CAL or QDD fast-track cases.
The DDS will take one of the following actions:
Accept jurisdiction and receipt, and assign the case to a QDD and CAL adjudicator
the same day that it posts to the Download/Receipt queue, if possible; or
Resolve by close of business any circumstances that would cause them not to receipt
the case. For example, if the FO transfers the case to the wrong DDS, The DDS rejects
the case and sends it back to the FO.
Do not automatically reject jurisdiction of cases that do not have an SSA-827 in DMA
For additional information about DDS case receipt, see DI 81020.015.