The exclusion of cash distributions from ANRVCs retained by Alaska Natives beyond
the month of receipt is evaluated under two separate resource rules. These resource
rules are separate from, and in addition to, the $2,000/$3,000 general resource limit.
Monthly Resource Rule: Exclude from resources up to $2,000 in ANRVC cash distributions received in the
current calendar year and retained beyond the month of receipt by an Alaska Native
in any month after February 1988. This amount is not limited to the first $2,000 in distributions received during a year.
Annual Resource Rule: Exclude from resources ANRVC cash distributions received in 1988 or later and retained
beyond the year of receipt by an Alaska Native, up to $2,000 in retained distributions
for each year.
The annual resource exclusion applies even if the individual was ineligible for SSI,
or had not applied for SSI, in the year the cash distributions were retained. However,
ANRVC funds must be identifiable and traceable to the year received and retained for
this exclusion to apply (SI 01130.700). If more than the $2,000 maximum is carried over from one year to the next, the
excess amount counts towards the general resource limit. If carry-over funds are spent
down or converted to a non-cash item, the accumulated cash carry-over amount is permanently
reduced by the amount converted. For example, if a recipient accumulated $9,500 in
excluded ANRVC funds before 2001, and spends $7,000 to purchase an automobile in June
of 2001, only $2,500 (accumulated carry-over funds) plus $2,000 (or less) received
and retained in 2001 can be carried over into 2002.