The CR recomputes the SSI benefits for 10/81-3/82, using the new VA income amount
for 11/81-3/82. (The 10/81 VA income amount is not subject to correction, per SI 00832.001 D.2. Case facts affecting eligibility or payment amount, other than the VA income amount,
also are not subject to correction.) The CR determines that the underpayment for these
two quarters is $36 and $48, respectively. (These amounts, and those that follow,
are based on the case facts, which are not all provided here.)
The CR then recomputes the SSI benefit for 4/82, the first C01 month after 3 /82.
4/82 is the test-month. The underpayment for 4/82, $16, is considered the underpayment
for each C01 month (4/82-4/84 and 10/84-6/ 86). Total C01 UP = $16 x 46 months = $736.
The CR then recomputes the SSI benefit for the first N01-E01 block, consisting of
5/84 only, but finds that no benefit is payable using the new VA income amount. Therefore,
no underpayment is due for 5/84. (An underpayment also is not due for the N04 months
of 6/84-9/84.)
For the second N01-E01 block, 7/86-2/88, the CR recomputes the first month and finds
an underpayment of $10 due. Therefore, $10 is considered the underpayment for each
of the remaining months of the N01-E01 block. The $10 per month underpayment period
continues through 2/88, the month before the second record was established. The underpayment
for this N01-E01 block = $10 x 20 months = $200.