TN 73 (06-12)

SI 00835.300 Presumed Maximum Value (PMV) Rule

A. Introduction to PMV rule

When a claimant or couple receives in-kind support and maintenance (ISM), but does not receive both food and shelter from the household in which the claimant or couple lives, the value of the one-third reduction (VTR) rule does not apply and the ISM is valued under the PMV rule.

This section describes the PMV rule and explains when to use it.

B. Definition of PMV

The PMV is a regulatory cap on the amount of ISM that you can charge. You may presume any food, or shelter received worth a maximum value.

C. Policy for PMV

1. When PMV rule applies

When the VTR rule does not apply, you may value any ISM received under the PMV rule.

2. Amount of PMV

The amount of the PMV is equal to:

a. Eligibility determinations

One-third the Federal benefit rate (FBR) (in effect for the month in which ISM is received) for a claimant or an eligible couple, plus $20.

b. Payment computations when ISM received in the budget month

One-third the FBR (in effect for the month of payment computation) for an individual or an eligible couple, plus $20.

Prior to January 01, 1995, we based the amount of the PMV used for payment computations on the amount of the FBR in effect for the budget month, rather than for the computation month. For a change in PMV computation policy effective January 1995, see SI 02005.001E.4.

The PMV yields equal supplemental security insurance (SSI) payments for a claimant who is subject to the PMV, and a claimant who is subject to the VTR, if neither has other countable income.

For dollar values of the PMV, see SI 00835.900 and SI 00835.901.

3. Rebuttal of the PMV

The PMV is the maximum amount of ISM that we can charge. We do not charge the PMV if an SSI claimant shows that:

  • the current market value (CMV) of any food, or shelter received, minus any payment the claimant makes for them, is less than the PMV; or

  • the actual amount someone else pays for the claimant's food or shelter is less than the PMV.

The amount of ISM counted is the amount of the PMV described in SI 00835.300C.2. or the actual value, if the claimant rebuts the PMV and we establish a lower value. We explain the rebuttal rule procedures in SI 00835.320.

D. ISM subject to the PMV rule

The following sections describe ISM subject to the PMV rule:

  • SI 00835.340 Computation of In-Kind Support and Maintenance from Within a Household

  • SI 00835.350 Computation of In-Kind Support and Maintenance from Outside a Household (Including Vendor Payments by a Third Party Outside the Household)

  • SI 00835.060 Transients, Homeless Individuals, and LA/ISM Determinations

  • SI 00835.400 In-Kind Support and Maintenance (ISM) to One Person

  • SI 00835.704 In-Kind Support and Maintenance Provided Residents of Institutions

  • SI 00835.790 Noninstitutional Care Situations

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SI 00835.300 - Presumed Maximum Value (PMV) Rule - 10/27/2005
Batch run: 06/14/2012