In initial claims and certain categories of redeterminations, use the Statement of
Income and Resources, Form SSA-8010-BK, or selected portions of it, to record information
on the resources of an ineligible parent(s), spouse of a parent, essential person,
sponsor(s) or sponsor's spouse. See SI 01310.600 for completion instructions. Specifically, see SI 01310.600B.3. if a parent files an SSI application at the same time he files for his child. If
the parent is eligible and receiving SSI payments, no SSA-8010-BK is required.
To record information on the resources of an ineligible spouse, use the Application
for Supplemental Security Income, Form SSA-8000-BK (SI 00604.051) or use Form SSA-8001-BK (SI 00605.000), for initial claims, and the Statement for Determining Continuing Eligibility for
Supplemental Security Income Payments, Form SSA-8202 or use Form SSA-8203-BK (SI 02305.070 through SI 02305.071), for redetermination processing.