The CBP I-94 website printout of the refugee shows the:
Admission (I-94) Record Number;
Most Recent Date of Entry
Admit Until Date (MM/DD/YYYY);
In addition, the refugee must present a DoS transportation boarding letter with a
refugee admission stamp. Only one refugee admission stamp is required on the DoS transportation
boarding letter. Only one transportation boarding letter will be given to the family
of refugees. The DoS transportation boarding letter issued to the refugee family has:
Top of the first page states it is “VALID FOR ONE YEAR”;
Middle of DoS transportation boarding letter states that DHS/USCIS has approved the
application to apply for admission to the U.S. of the below-named alien(s) under section
Pictures of each individual admitted as a refugee;
Underneath each picture is the:
Family Name (Last Name), Given Name (First name and middle name, if any);
Sex: Male or Female with description of family member such as: Principal Applicant,
Wife, Daughter, and/or Son;
COB (Country of Birth)/NAT (Nationality);
The refugee stamp on the DoS transportation boarding letter shows the:
legend “Admitted as a refugee/dependent pursuant to Section 207 of the Immigration
& Nationality Act. If you DEPART the United States, you will need PRIOR PERMISSION
to return”;
port of entry (POE), date of inspection, and inspection officer's identification;
An exhibit of the I-94 website printout and DoS transportation boarding letter with
the refugee admission stamp is not currently in the ACM. For an exhibit see RM 10211.137
Description of Evidence of Non-Immigrant Status and Admission Stamps.
To enter the I-94 website printout and DoS transportation boarding letter with the
refugee admission stamp in the Social Security Number Application Process (SSNAP),
select “I-94 w/NO Foreign Passport” on the “Proof of Legal Alien Status” screen. For
specific SSNAP instructions, see RM 10211.140B.