TN 45 (11-11)

GN 00205.160 Significance of Items on the Widow's or Widower's Applications

A. Living in the same household (LISH) question

A surviving divorced spouse need not answer the question about LISH.

B. Number holder (NH) died several years ago

There is no need to answer the questions about lag earnings and self-employment (SE) if the NH died three or more years ago.

C. Supplemental Medical Insurance (SMI) enrollment question

Claimants should answer the SMI enrollment question within six months of age 65 or older and by Disabled Widow(er)’s benefits (DWB) applicants.

D. Deemed widow(er)s

The additional information needed from a claimant who is applying for benefits as a deemed widow(er) should be shown in the “Remarks” section or on an SSA-795. For more information, see GN 00305.055.

E. Government Pension Offset (GPO)

Always get an answer to this question, even from a surviving divorced spouse. For general rules on GPO, see GN 02608.100.

F. References

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GN 00205.160 - Significance of Items on the Widow's or Widower's Applications - 08/16/2004
Batch run: 12/02/2024