TN 18 (05-04)

GN 00301.290 Material Essential to Claims Folder Documentation

A. Policy - general

There are certain documents basic to all claims, whether Title II or Title XVI, which relate to a claimant's entitlement or non-entitlement to a benefit. Some of the more common claims documentation is listed below

B. Policy – claims documentation

1. Title II claims

a Application for Title II benefits, which is generally captured on MCS.

b. Application support forms captured in paper, see GN 00301.286 D.4.d., and on MCS and EVID.

  1. a. 

    Entitlement proofs (age, relationship, death, etc.), which are captured on MCS or EVID. See GN 00301.286.

  2. b. 

    Statements signed by claimant or other third party regarding an MCS entitlement factor, which, unless another POMS section requires retaining the paper, are captured on MCS or EVID.

  3. c. 

    Earnings Record and any supporting proof or determinations.

  4. d. 

    Medical evidence.

  5. e. 

    Notices of initial and reconsideration determinations, medical and non-medical; e.g., Document Processing System (DPS).

  6. f. 

    Appellate determinations and decisions.

  7. g. 

    Material relating to resolution of overpayment and underpayment issues, which is captured on EVID.

  8. h. 

    Manually prepared notices which form the basis for an unfavorable or partially favorable determination.

2. Title XVI claims

  1. a. 

    SSI applications and redeterminations, which are generally captured on MSSICS.

  2. b. 

    Application support forms which are captured in paper, see GN 00301.286 D.4.d., or on MSSICS.

  3. c. 

    Proofs (age, citizenship, residency, etc.), which are captured on MSSICS or EVID.

  4. d. 

    Statements signed by recipient; e.g., statements documenting citizenship, residency, earnings, other income, living arrangements, resources, etc., which are captured on MSSICS or paper per GN 00301.286 D.4.d.

  5. e. 

    Statements signed by other persons which are used as evidence to support the determination of benefit amount (e.g., statement relating to living arrangements by the householder or other knowledgeable persons), which, unless another POMS requires retaining the paper, are captured on MSSICS.

  6. f. 

    Verification of earnings, bank accounts, living arrangements, citizenship, etc., including SSA-5002's prepared as a result of telephone contacts, which are captured on MSSICS or EVID.

  7. g. 

    Medical evidence and disability development forms.

  8. h. 

    Notices of initial and reconsideration determinations, medical and nonmedical, including payment calculation sheets and overpayment determinations, e.g., DPS.

  9. i. 

    Appellate determinations and decisions including hearing cassettes.

  10. j. 

    Material relating to resolution of overpayment and underpayment issues, which is captured on MSSICS and EVID.

  11. k. 

    Manually prepared notices which form the basis for an unfavorable or partially favorable determination.

C. References

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GN 00301.290 - Material Essential to Claims Folder Documentation - 09/21/2010
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