TN 120 (06-24)

GN 02406.200 Failure to Receive a Courtesy Disbursement or Replacement Check -- Title II (Normal, Dire Need, and Abuse Situations)

A. Policy for initial follow-up

When an individual requests the status on an initial nonreceipt claim, attempt to respond immediately via phone call. If an immediate reply is not possible, make every effort to provide the information within one week. Do not refer the requestor to the Department of the Treasury (Treasury). This section provides instructions on how to conduct a follow-up on most checks.

B. Procedure for nonreceipt reported -- courtesy disbursement or replacement check - not issued

When SSA did not issue a courtesy disbursement or replacement check:

  • Obtain a Payment History Update System (PHUS) query to confirm that the action on the original check was transmitted to Treasury and that the appropriate event (nonreceipt - 069) was created on PHUS.

  • Check to see if Treasury received the original nonreceipt action by reviewing the disposition code posted in either the interim disposition field (TDDC) or the final disposition field (TDSC) on the PHUS query for the nonreceipt in question.

    The TDDC field represents codes received from the Regional Financial Services (RFC) and the TDSC field represents codes received from Financial Management Service (FMS) in Philadelphia, PA. An entry in either field indicates the condition which caused the code to be generated and what action should be taken by the technician. For more information on Treasury disposition codes, see SM 00609.610B.

  • Take appropriate action based upon the disposition code. If the code indicates Processing Center (PC) action needed, the Field Office (FO) or Teleservice Center (TSC) will notify the PC via MDW for processing.

  • If reinput of the original nonreceipt was necessary, inform the beneficiary that the check should be received in 7 to 10 days.

  • Query the nonreceipt input in 4-9 days to ensure that it transmitted properly.

  • If the delay is causing a hardship or a public relations problem, see GN 02406.200D. for specific instructions.

C. Procedure for second follow-up

The beneficiary/recipient may inquire for a second time concerning the status of the initial nonreceipt claim.

  • Obtain a PHUS to determine, based on Treasury disposition codes, whether the corrective action taken after the first inquiry transmitted properly.

  • If the nonreceipt input was transmitted properly and the courtesy disbursement, replacement check, or settlement check was issued but not received, follow instructions in GN 02406.200D to correct the specific problem. Follow this section also if the delay is causing a hardship or a public relations problem.

D. Procedure for courtesy disbursement or replacement check issued and not received

If queries indicate payment processed and was issued, make sure 10 calendar days have elapsed before considering nonreceipt. EXCEPTION: Mass Loss. See GN 02406.700.


Step Action
1 Determine if dire need exists. See criteria in RS 02801.010.
2 If dire need does not exist, issue a replacement through the Critical Payment System (CPS) for the full amount of the missing check. In the NPF field enter, “INPUT STOP PMT SFT-F FOR ORIG PMT DTD MM/DD/YY. REPLCMT PMT MADE BY CPS IN LIEU OF N/R. WHEN DISP REC'D FOLLOW GN 02408.020B and GN 02408.020C. For information on Critical Payment Amount Non-Receipt (CPNR), see ” MS 07901.005.
3 Input the TPT (type of payment) code of C43 to identify this as a Robinson/Reyf case (more specifically, to identify the CPS payment in response to Robinson/Reyf policy of replacing a missing payment quickly in a nonreceipt situation).
4 If dire need exist:

TSC: Refer the case to the FO via PRIORITY MDW.


  • Issue an Immediate Payment (IP) for up to $5,000.00 ($999 prior to 10/23/2023). Explain that the balance, if any, between the IP and the CPS payment will arrive in 7-10 days.

  • Record the IP and pay the BALANCE of the missing check using the CPS PAY 2 screen by inputting the full amount of the missing check in the RETROACTIVE AMOUNT field and the IP in the IMMEDIATE PAYMENT AMOUNT field. (The system will automatically make the calculation to pay the balance of the missing check as a CPS payment.)

  • Input a TPT of C43 in the TPT code field.

  • In the NPF (nature of problem) field enter, “INPUT STOP PMT SFT-F FOR ORIG PMT DTD MM/DD/YY. REPLCMT PMT MADE BY IP/CPS IN LIEU OF N/R. WHEN DISP REC'D FOLLOW GN 02408.020B and GN 02408.020C.” MS 07901.005.

  • Refer the case to the PC via PRIORITY MDW to input the F-stop on the courtesy disbursement/replacement check.






Process the CPS payment, if needed, alert and transmit an F-stop on the missing courtesy disbursement/replacement check. For TPT C43, the remark, “Robinson/Reyf Case” will be printed on folder documents. The Critical Payment Details (CRNS) web page will include this remark when it is revised. For more information on CRNS, see MS 07901.004.


If Treasury determines that the check was not cashed, it returns a credit to SSA.


If Treasury determines that either the original and/or replacement checks were cashed, a claims package(s) will be sent to the servicing PC for the beneficiary to complete and return to SSA for a forgery determination by Treasury. If Treasury determines that forgery is involved, they will reclaim the money from the presenting financial institution and issue the credit to SSA. No overpayment exists.


If Treasury determines there is no forgery, the beneficiary is notified that an overpayment exists (beneficiary received CPS payment and original/replacement check have been cashed for same benefit month). Follow overpayment procedures in GN 02210.000. If claimant cashed both the original and replacement checks and was issued an IP and/or CPS, the overpayment amount is twice his monthly benefit amount since he was paid all checks issued to him in the same month.


If Treasury responds with no conclusion, the Questioned Documents Section (QDS) examiner will inform SSA that QDS could not reach a definitive conclusion on the signature based on the documentation submitted along with the request. This means additional information is required before QDS examiner can make a decision. SSA will analyze the information required and resubmit package back to Treasury for determination. For more information on when a handwriting analysis is needed on a

limited payability case, see GN 02401.910D.


If a double check negotiation overpayment exists and claimant protests the overpayment, see GN 02406.310.

E. Procedure - Claimant has abused the Nonreceipt Reporting System

If a claimant who has a history of abusing the nonreceipt reporting system alleges nonreceipt of a Title II courtesy disbursement or replacement check:

1. If dire need is involved


The TSC will:

  • Forward to the FO via PRIORITY MDW.

The FO will:

  • Issue an IP for up to $5,000.00 (NOTE: The limit was $999.00 prior to 10/23/2023). For Title II, this is a legally defined overpayment and the PC would apply due process rather than immediate adjustment against current benefits due.

  • Do not issue a CPS payment.

  • Input an F-Stop for the missing check. Replacement of the missing check will depend on the status determined by Treasury.

2. If dire need is not involved:

The TSC/FO/PC will:

Input a C-Stop for the missing recurring check. Replacement of the original check will be dependent upon the status determined by Treasury.

F. References

  • SM 00609.610 Treasury RFC and CSD Disposition Codes

  • GN 02406.700 General Information on Mass Loss of Checks and the Payment Delivery Alert System (PDAS)

  • GN 02408.020 Stop-Payments for Checks

  • GN 02401.910 Handwriting Analysis Needed on a Limited Payability Case

  • GN 02406.310 Request for Reconsideration of DCN Overpayment or Forgery Determination

  • GN 02406.150 When to Request Payment After Status – C-Stop – Normal and Dire Need Situations

  • RS 02801.010 Immediate Payment (IP) Criteria and Process

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GN 02406.200 - Failure to Receive a Courtesy Disbursement or Replacement Check -- Title II (Normal, Dire Need, and Abuse Situations) - 06/25/2024
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