TN 109 (04-24)

GN 02406.202 Nonreceipt of a Settlement Check for Title II and Title XVI

A. General information about settlement checks

The Department of the Treasury (Treasury) issues a settlement check for a C-stop action after making a forgery determination. When Treasury issues a settlement check, Treasury sends a claims disposition notice (CDN) to the Social Security Administration indicating the issuance of the check. The CDN is a computerized form the Treasury Check Information System (TCIS) prints showing Treasury's recommendation or action taken concerning a person’s eligibility for check replacement. (For more information about the CDN, see GN 02406.425, GN 02406.001 and GN 02406.160.)

B. Field office (FO), teleservice center (TSC), processing center (PC), and regional office (RO) procedure for nonreceipt of settlement checks

If the beneficiary or recipient alleges nonreceipt of the settlement check, take the following actions.

1. Verify the status of the original check

  • FO or TSC: Check the Payment History Update System (PHUS) and the Treasury Status Query to obtain the check number and symbol of the original check.

  • FO or TSC: Contact the PC Operations Analysis Section (OAS) staff or RO analysts and give them the allegation of the nonreceipt along with the check information. If needed, query the Treasury Check Information System (TCIS) to determine if (or when) Treasury issued a settlement check.

  • PC OAS staff or RO analysts: Query TCIS to determine when and if Treasury issued a settlement check. Allow five calendar weeks from the date of the TCIS posting for the check to arrive.

    To obtain the “Issue Date” and “Check Number” of the settlement check in TCIS, review the “Claim Details” tab of the original check. Click on the link to the settlement check information to display the Payment Details of the settlement check.

2. Action when Treasury issued a settlement check

Take the actions in this section if Treasury issued a settlement check.

  1. a. 

    PC OAS staff or RO analysts: If Treasury issued a settlement check, but the beneficiary or recipient did not receive it within the prescribed time (within five weeks), contact Treasury’s customer service staff at (855-868-0151) to determine status of the settlement check and report it missing. Document the Treasury Processing Center Action Control System (PCACS) to show that you contacted Treasury.

  2. b. 

    Treasury determines if someone cashed the settlement check. If no one cashed the check, Treasury cancels the missing check and reissues the settlement check.

  3. c. 

    If someone cashed the check, Treasury sends an FMS-1133 claims package and photocopy of the check to the payee to complete. If Treasury makes a forgery determination, they reissue the check. This process can take an additional five weeks.

NOTE: To verify that Treasury issued a settlement check, see the CDN sent by Treasury and the notation on TCIS.

3. Action when Treasury did not issue a settlement check

Take the actions in this section when Treasury did not issue a settlement check.

  • If there is no indication on TCIS that Treasury issued a settlement check, the FO, TSC, or PC must contact Treasury's general number at 855-868-0151 after you follow the steps in GN 02406.202B.1. in this section.

  • Verify that Treasury made a forgery determination on the original check. Find out when (or if) Treasury will release the settlement check. Document on PCACS that you contacted Treasury.

  • If technicians in the FO, TSC, or PC were unable to obtain the status of the check, have the PC OAS Staff or RO Analysts call Treasury's customer service contacts to find out when (or if) a settlement check is forthcoming.

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GN 02406.202 - Nonreceipt of a Settlement Check for Title II and Title XVI - 04/01/2024
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