RS 00615.000 Computation of Monthly Benefits Amounts

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
RS 00615.001 Introduction to Computation of Monthly Benefits TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.003 Full Retirement Age TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.004 Attainment of Full Retirement Age TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.005 Reduced Benefits TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.010 Chart on Reduced Benefits TN 50 12-23
RS 00615.015 How the Day of Birth Affects Benefits TN 40 12-23
RS 00615.020 Dual Entitlement Overview TN 41 12-23
RS 00615.101 Reduced RIB TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.105 Estimating Reduced Retirement Benefits TN 26 01-04
RS 00615.110 Reduced RIB as Affected by DIB (A – HA) TN 48 12-23
RS 00615.140 Entitlement to RIB After Entitlement to Spouse's Benefit (B then A) TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.150 Simultaneous RIB-WIB or RIB First (A/D or A then D) TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.160 Reduced RIB After Reduced WIB (D/W then A) TN 47 12-23
RS 00615.170 Simultaneous Entitlement of a Widow(er) to Spouse's Benefits and RIB/DIB TN 51 12-23
RS 00615.201 Reduced Spouse's Benefits TN 53 12-23
RS 00615.205 Estimating Reduced Spouse Benefits TN 58 12-23
RS 00615.210 Reduced Spouse's Benefit Where the Family Maximum is Involved TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.240 Entitled to Reduced Spouse's Benefit for Month Before Entitlement to Reduced RIB (B then A) TN 59 12-23
RS 00615.250 Entitled to Reduced Spouse's Benefit for Months Simultaneous With or After Entitlement to Reduced RIB (A then B or B with A) TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.252 Reduced Spouse's Benefits Simultaneous With or After Entitlement to RIB Reduced Due to Prior Reduced WIB (D/W then A then B or D/W then A with B) TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.260 Reduced Spouse's Benefit and DIB Entitlement (B, HA) TN 42 12-23
RS 00615.301 Reduced Widow(er)'s Benefits TN 43 12-23
RS 00615.302 Windexing - Alternate Method of Computing Benefits for Widow(er)s First Eligible 1/85 and Later TN 60 12-23
RS 00615.305 Estimating Reduced Widow(er) Benefits TN 26 01-04
RS 00615.310 Disabled Widow(er)'s Benefits (DWB) TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.315 Simultaneous Entitlement to Widow(er)'s Benefits and Disabled Widow(er)'s Benefits (D and W) TN 61 12-23
RS 00615.320 Reduced WIB — Deceased NH Entitled to Reduced RIB or Reduced DIB Prior to Death-RIB LIM TN 62 12-23
RS 00615.322 Worksheet for Computation of WIB After 12/72 TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.340 Widow(er) with Child-in-Care TN 39 11-23
RS 00615.350 Reduced WIB After or Concurrent with DIB (HA then D/W or HA with D/W) TN 67 12-23
RS 00615.352 Reduced WIB After or Concurrent With DIB Following a Prior WIB (D/W then HA then D/W or D/W then HA with D/W) TN 65 12-23
RS 00615.401 Reduced DIB TN 66 12-23
RS 00615.410 Reduced DIB After RIB Entitlement (A then HA) TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.420 DIB After Entitlement to Reduced WIB (D/W then HA) TN 56 12-23
RS 00615.430 Elimination of Carryover Reduction in RIB or DIB Due to WIB Before Age 62 TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.470 Reduced RIB After Reduced WIB, Prior DIB (HA then D/W then A or HA with D/W then A) TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.472 Reduced RIB After Reduced WIB, Intervening DIB (D/W then HA then A) TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.474 Reduced DIB After RIB, Both After Reduced WIB (D/W then A then HA) TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.476 Reduced WIB After or Concurrent With DIB, Both After RIB (A then HA then D/W or A then HA with D/W) TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.478 Reduced DIB After Reduced RIB, Intervening WIB (A then D/W then HA) TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.480 Reduction Factor Adjustment (ARF) TN 77 09-24
RS 00615.482 Requirements for Adjustment of Reduction Factor (ARF) — Crediting Months TN 76 08-24
RS 00615.490 Computing the RIB or Spouse Benefit (Single Entitlement) — Reduction Factor Adjustment TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.491 ARF Processing After 1977 for a Reentitled Actuarially Reduced Spouse TN 49 12-23
RS 00615.500 Computing the Spouse's Benefit Reduction Factor Adjustment — Spouse also Entitled to RIB or DIB TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.580 Computing the Widow(er)'s Benefits — Reduction Factor Adjustment TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.582 Computing the Reduction Factor Adjustment — No Entitlement Prior to Age 60 TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.585 Unusual Characteristics of the Widow(er)'s ARF TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.590 Computing the Widow(er)'s Benefit Reduction Factor Adjustment — Initial Entitlement to Disabled Widow(er)'s Benefit TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.592 Recalculation of Widow(er)'s Benefit for 1/84 — Disabled Widow(er)'s Entitlement and Reduction Factor Adjustment Applicable Prior to 1/84 TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.595 Computing the Widow(er)'s Benefit — Reduction Factor Adjustment — Dual Entitlement to DIB Before or Concurrent With WIB TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.598 Adjustment of the Reduction Factor for a Deceased Numberholder TN 44 12-23
RS 00615.650 Minimum Sole Survivor's Rate (MSSR) TN 78 11-24
RS 00615.654 Special Situations Involving Payment of the MSSR TN 64 12-23
RS 00615.680 Divorced Spouse or Surviving Divorced Spouse Entitlement Disregarded for Family Maximum and Minimum Benefit Purposes TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.682 Family Benefits Where a Divorced Spouse or a Surviving Divorced Spouse is Entitled TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.684 Benefits When A Legal Spouse and A Deemed or Putative Spouse are Entitled TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.690 Delayed Retirement Credits (DRC) TN 46 12-23
RS 00615.692 Computing the Amount of the Delayed Retirement Credits (DRC) TN 28 11-14
RS 00615.693 Estimating the Effect of Delayed Retirement Credits TN 28 11-14
RS 00615.694 DRCs in Dual-Entitlement Cases TN 45 12-23
RS 00615.695 Family Maximum and Auxiliary Benefits (DRC) TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.696 Dual Entitlement Primary Rate with DRC Exceeds Auxiliary or Survivor Benefit TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.700 Special Minimum PIA Involvement (DRC) TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.702 Use of the DRC in Computing Widow(er)'s Benefits TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.704 Widow(er) Eligibility Requirements (DRC) TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.706 Computation of the Widow(er)'s Benefit With DRCs TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.708 Surviving Divorced Spouse with DRCs TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.710 Widow(er)'s Benefit — DRCs And The Family Maximum Involved TN 69 12-23
RS 00615.712 Widow(er)'s DRC Savings Clause TN 63 12-23
RS 00615.714 Remarried Widow(er)'s DRCs TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.715 Remarried Widow(er)'s Benefits and DRCs June 1978 — December 1978 TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.730 Maximum Family Benefits TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.732 Table or Formula Maximums TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.736 Determining Maximum Family Benefits Effective January 1979 TN 57 12-23
RS 00615.738 Maximum Family Benefits with a DIB Guarantee PIA in January 1996 or Later TN 71 12-23
RS 00615.740 1980 Disability Maximum — General TN 26 01-04
RS 00615.742 Maximum Family Benefits Based on DIB Eligibility After 1978 — Initial Entitlement After June 1980 TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.744 DIB Entitlement Prior to New DIB Eligibility — Family Maximum of Prior DIB Computed Under 1980 Amendments Method TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.752 Determining Total Benefits Before Adjustment - Family Maximum TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.754 Determining the Amount of Each Benefit When Total Benefits Exceed the Maximum TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.756 Adjusting Benefits for the Family Maximum (FMAX) TN 31 11-18
RS 00615.758 Adjusting Benefits for the Family Maximum (FMAX) When the Family Composition Changes TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.760 Benefits Under Section 202(J)(1) TN 72 12-23
RS 00615.761 Computing Retroactive Benefit of Late Applicant - Maximum Involved TN 73 12-23
RS 00615.762 Benefits Under Section 202(J)(3) TN 68 12-23
RS 00615.766 Relationship of Deductions to Maximum Provisions TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.768 Adjustment in Simultaneous and Dual Entitlement Cases TN 55 12-23
RS 00615.770 Simultaneous Entitlement of Children on More Than One SSN TN 78 11-24
RS 00615.772 Determining the SSN Upon Which Benefits Will Be Paid TN 54 12-23
RS 00615.774 Effect of Subsequent Actions TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.776 Choosing Between Two or More SSNs TN 70 12-23
RS 00615.778 Termination of Entitlement on SSN on Which Maximums Were Not Combined TN 24 09-02
RS 00615.801 Saving Clauses (SC) Which Affect Benefit Amounts TN 24 09-02

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