A claimant is homeless if he or she does not have a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime
We also consider claimants homeless if they expect to lose current accommodations
within 14 days, and will not have a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
EXAMPLES of living conditions that indicate homelessness include, but are not limited to, staying:
at publicly or privately operated shelters;
in hotels and motels paid for by Federal, State, or local government programs for
low-income individuals;
in a car, park, abandoned building, bus or train station, airport, or camping ground;
temporarily with a friend, family member, or another household. (This situation is
sometimes referred to as “doubled up” or “sofa surfing.”)
REMINDER: When considering living arrangements and in-kind support and maintenance (LA/ISM)
for SSI eligibility, the field office (FO) follows policy in Transients, Homeless
Individuals, and LA/ISM Determinations, described in SI 00835.060.