TN 30 (12-09)

DI 13010.677 The Entitlement Selection (ESEL) Screen


The ESEL screen is a entitlement selection screen that you receive prior to viewing or updating the Verify/Update Earnings (VERN) screen, or the Query Earnings (QERN) screen. You have the opportunity to view and select the period of disability that you want to work with.

A. When to use the ESEL screen

Use the ESEL screen to select the claim that you want to input earnings via the Verify/Update Earnings (VERN) screen, or query via the Query Earnings (QERN) screen. Prior to receiving the VERN or QERN screens, you will select a claim from the ESEL screen.

B. How to get to the ESEL screen

  • Select “OPTION 32” CONTINUING DISABILITY FILE on the SSA Main Menu; and

  • Select “SELECT 12” QUERY EARNINGS on the MCDR screen.

  • Select “SELECT 13” VERIFY EARNINGS on the MCDR screen

  • Select “SELECT 4” on the TMEN screen

  • Select “SELECT 5” on the TMEN screen

C. Reading the ESEL screen

The ESEL screen is a screen that contains disability entitlement information. Use this screen to select the specific claim you want to work with. The fields on this screen are:

  • UNIT: Provides the ownership code, or jurisdiction, of the record you are working from. This field may propagate from another screen, or you may overlay the field with a different unit code.

  • The DCF ID field- Provides the controlling social security number on the DCF database.

  • NAME: Identifies the name of the beneficiary.

  • CUR ENT: Identifies which program the beneficiary is currently entitled on (i.e., Title II, Title XVI, or concurrently entitled on the Title II and Title XVI programs).

  • CAN: Identifies the claimant account number.

  • BIC: Identifies the beneficiary’s identification code (BIC).

  • DIB ONSET: The date disability began.

  • EXR MOE:. The beginning date for Expedited Reinstatement (EXR).

  • DOE: The date of entitlement for disability benefits based on Medicare entitlement.

  • TERM MTH: Identifies the month and year that the beneficiary’s record terminated.

  • TWP DATE: Identifies the completion date for the trial work period (TWP) for the selected CAN.

  • MTH: Identifies which TWP service month the selected claim is in. For example, there are only nine possible TWP service months; therefore, the field will display 1-9.

  • SEL: Select which claim you would like to work with by placing an “X” in the appropriate field.

  • DO NOT SELECT ANY CLAIM: If you choose not to select a claim from the CANs provided, input an “X”. By selecting this option, you will not have the ability to input work determination data or impairment related work expenses (IRWE) data on the subsequent VERN screen.

D. Related References

  • MSOM CDR 002.002, Verify/Update Earnings (VERN) Screen

  • MSOM CDR 002.005, Entitlement Selection (ESEL)

  • MSOM CDR 002.006, Entitlement Summary (ESUM) Screen

  • DI 13050.001, Expedited Reinstatement-Overview

  • DI 13010.035, The Trial Work Period (TWP)

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