TN 68 (06-24)

DI 13010.679 The Entitlement Summary (ESUM) Screen


The Entitlement Summary (ESUM) screen is a summary screen that follows the Entitlement Selection (ESEL) screen. This screen allows you to view additional disability information about the claim that you selected from the ESEL screen.

A. When to use the ESUM screen

Use the ESUM screen to view entitlement summary disability information for a selected claim.

B. How to get to the ESUM screen

  • Select “OPTION 32” CONTINUING DISABILITY FILE on the SSA Main Menu; and

  • Select “SELECT 12” QUERY EARNINGS on the MCDR screen then select a claim on the ENTITLEMENT SELECTION (ESEL) screen; or

  • Select “SELECT 13” VERIFY EARNINGS on the MCDR screen then select a claim on the ENTITLEMENT SELECTION (ESEL)screen; or

  • Select “SELECT 11” TICKET TO WORK on the MCDR screen, then “SELECT 4” on the TMEN screen, then select a claim on the ENTITLEMENT SELECTION (ESEL) screen; or

  • Select “SELECT 11” TICKET TO WORK on the MCDR screen, then “SELECT 5” on the TMEN screen, then select a claim on the ENTITLEMENT SELECTION (ESEL) screen.

C. Reading the ESUM Screen

The ESUM screen provides a summary of the disability entitlement for the claim from which you would like to work from. This screen will appear after you select a specific claim from the ESEL screen. The fields on this screen are:

  • The Unit Code - provides the ownership code, or jurisdiction, of the record. This field may propagate from another screen, or you can overkey with another unit code, if necessary.

  • The DCF ID: provides the controlling social security number on the DCF database for the case selected.

  • The CAN: Identifies the claimant account number and their Beneficiary Identification Code (BIC).

  • The NAME: Identifies the name of the beneficiary.

  • The CUR ENT: Identifies which program the beneficiary is entitled on (i.e., Title II, Title XVI, or concurrently entitled on both titles).

  • DOB field: The beneficiary’s date of birth.

  • DOE: The date of entitlement for disability benefits, based on Medicare entitlement. This entitlement date reflects the claim that you selected from the ESEL screen.

  • EXR MOE: The beginning date for expedited reinstatement (EXR) for the claim selected on the Entitlement Selection (ESEL) screen. This month is the earliest month that the beneficiary did not perform substantial gainful activity (SGA), and has met all other requirements of the EXR provisions.

  • TERM MTH: Identifies the month and year that the beneficiary’s record terminated.

  • LATEST DIG: Identifies the current medical diagnosis code.

  • LATEST SDIG: Identifies the current secondary medical diagnosis code.

  • IRP START DATE: Identifies the first month of the 24-month initial reinstatement period that is between the initial EXR entitlement and when the beneficiary will be eligible for a trial work period (TWP).

  • IRP END DATE: This date identifies the 24th month that the beneficiary received payable benefits in the initial reinstatement period.

  • IRP MONTHS: Identifies how many of the qualifying, non-consecutive months the beneficiary has attained in the 24-month IRP period (0-24).

  • EPE START DATE: Identifies the beginning of the extended period of eligibility (EPE). This is the first month that immediately follows the completion of the TWP.

  • EPE END DATE: Identifies the last month of the EPE that benefits can be reinstated. This is the 36th month following the completion of the TWP.

  • EPE MONTHS: Identifies the number of months that the beneficiary has completed in the EPE.

  • TWP DATE: Identifies a TWP service month, as defined in DI 13010.060, Determining Trial Work Period (TWP) Service Months and Evaluating Work Activity.

  • MTH S: Identifies the number of months that the beneficiary has completed in the TWP period. There are nine TWP months; therefore, possible entries are limited to one through nine.

  • TWP CMPL DATE: Identifies the completion date of the TWP. This date is the ninth month that the beneficiary has performed services in the TWP, or when medical recovery has occurred (whichever is later).

D. Related References

  • MSOM CDR 002.005 Entitlement Selection (ESEL)

  • MSOM CDR 002.006 Entitlement Summary (ESUM)

  • DI 13010.035 The Trial Work Period (TWP)

  • DI 13010.210 Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE)

  • DI 13050.001 Expedited Reinstatement (EXR) – Overview

  • DI 13050.066 and DI 13050.067 Initial Reinstatement Period –Title II and Title XVI

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