TN 22 (01-24)

SI 00603.001 Processing Disability/Blindness Initial Claims -Overview

A. Preview

1. What is in this subchapter

This subchapter contains instructions for documenting nondisability eligibility in supplemental security income (SSI) disability/blindness initial claims that require a disability determination. These instructions are also applicable to aged claims which require a disability/blindness determination to establish eligibility.

The subchapter includes the following items.

  • An explanation of when to use simultaneous development versus deferred development of nondisability factors

  • The application procedures for simultaneous and deferred development claims

  • An explanation of what documentation actions to take with respect to the nondisability issues in simultaneous development and deferred development claims when appeals are filed

  • When to conduct a preeffectuation review contact (PERC) and procedures for completing PERCs when a disability allowance is received on simultaneous and deferred development claims

  • Special instructions for certain situations related to adjudicating disability claims, e.g., a description of the manual notice to issue when the medical allowance is the result of a reconsideration

NOTE: Throughout the rest of the subchapter the word “disability” refers also to blindness.

2. What is covered in other subchapters

The following is a list of other application issues covered elsewhere.

B. Background

Claims which require a disability determination prior to allowance have some special processing requirements. The primary concern in processing these claims is whether to defer development of nondisability factors or do simultaneous development. The following describes when a disability determination is required in disability claims and in aged claims.

1. Disability claims

A disability claim requires a disability determination when a claimant meets nondisability eligibility requirements in a least one month in the life of the application (SI 00601.010C).

2. Aged claims

An aged claim requires a disability determination for allowance when the:

  • additional optional supplement for blindness/disability is needed to permit eligibility;

  • determination is crucial to eligibility as an alien; or

  • individual would not be eligible even if their onset of disability occurred after lawful admission to the U.S. as a permanent resident. In such situations, sponsor deeming applies indefinitely per P.L. 104-193, if the alien was admitted after 08/22/1996 and the sponsor has effectuated an Affidavit of Support Form I-864 with the Department of Homeland Security. See SI 01320.910 for instructions on processing these claims.

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SI 00603.001 - Processing Disability/Blindness Initial Claims -Overview - 01/05/2024
Batch run: 09/27/2024