TN 111 (09-23)

SI 00835.160 Sharing

A. Policy for sharing and the value of the one-third reduction VTR

A sharing arrangement exists when an individual's contribution equals or exceeds their pro rata share of the household operating expenses, provided the household expenses include both food and shelter.

An individual is not subject to the value of the one-third reduction (VTR) when sharing exists. This is because the individual is paying the pro rata share for the food and shelter they receive from the household.

B. Policy when sharing applies

Consider sharing only when you have ruled out each living arrangement basis that is higher on the list of sequential development per SI 00835.001.

Consider sharing when all of the following circumstances apply:

  • The individual lives in a household with at least one person other than a spouse, child, as defined in SI 00501.010, or person whose income is deemable to the individual;

  • The individual (or living-with spouse or deemor) does not have ownership interest or rental liability (for home ownership, see SI 00835.110 or for rental liability, see SI 00835.120);

  • A public assistance household does not exist, see SI 00835.130;

  • The individual (or both members of an eligible couple) does not separately consume their food, see SI 00835.140;

  • The individual (or both members of an eligible couple) does not separately purchase their food, see SI 00835.150; and

  • The individual contributes toward the household operating expenses and these expenses include food and one or more shelter items.

C. Procedure for computing sharing

1. Performing the sharing computation

To perform the sharing computation:

  1. a. 

    Determine the average household operating expenses, see SI 00835.465 and SI 00835.475;

  2. b. 

    Determine the household composition, see SI 00835.485;

  3. c. 

    Determine the pro rata share by totaling the household operating expenses and dividing by the number of household members. Assume all members of the household share in the food unless you obtain information to the contrary;

  4. d. 

    Determine the individual’s pro rata share if a member of the household does not share in the food:

    • separately determine the pro rata share for the food without that member;

    • determine the pro rata share for shelter; then

    • add these pro rata shares together to determine the individual's pro rata share;

  5. e. 

    Determine the eligible individual's average monthly contribution, see SI 00835.480 and SI 00835.210; and

  6. f. 

    Compare the contribution to the pro rata share. If the contribution equals or exceeds the pro rata share, a sharing arrangement exists and the individual is in Federal Living Arrangement A (FLA/A).

2. Twenty-dollar tolerance

Effective October 1, 2021, if the eligible individual's contribution is within $20 of the pro rata share, consider the contribution and the pro rata share equal. Determine sharing exists and the individual is in FLA/A (e.g. sharing exists if the pro rata share is $165. and the contribution is $145 or more). To determine sharing for a couple, their contribution must be within $20 of their combined pro rata share in order for sharing to apply.

NOTE: Prior to October 1, 2021, the tolerance was $5. The eligible individual's contribution had to be within $5 of the pro rata share to make a determination that sharing existed and for the individual to be in FLA/A.

D. Procedure for curtailed development of sharing

An individual's allegation in the Consolidated Claims Experience (CCE) is sufficient documentation that the VTR applies when the file reflects one of the following situations during an initial claim, post-eligibility event, or redetermination situation:

1. Documenting a zero contribution in CCE

If the individual alleges making no cash payment toward the household operating expenses, curtail development of sharing. For actions processed in CCE:

  1. a. 

    Record the individual’s allegations on the “Household of Another” page;

    NOTE: The individual’s answers on the Household of Another page are sufficient documentation of a zero contribution. For guidance on completing the Household of Another page, see MS 08110.014;

  2. b. 

    Assume the household operating expenses include both food and shelter; and

  3. c. 

    Determine the VTR applies and no further development is needed.

2. Documenting a token contribution in CCE

If the individual alleges their contribution does not equal the pro rata share:

  1. a. 

    Document the individual’s allegations on the Household of Another page;

    NOTE: The individual’s answers on the Household of Another page are sufficient documentation of a token contribution;

  2. b. 

    Ask if the individual is earmarking the contribution;

    NOTE: If the individual is earmarking, see SI 00835.170, “Earmarked Sharing”;

  3. c. 

    If the individual alleges the contribution is not earmarked, update the Household of Another page accordingly;

    NOTE: The individual’s answers on the Household of Another page are sufficient documentation the contribution is not earmarked;

  4. d. 

    Assume the household operating expenses include both food and shelter; and

  5. e. 

    If you determine the VTR applies, you do not need to develop further.

3. Documenting a zero or token contribution on a non-MSSICS case

For actions processed outside of CCE use form SSA-8006-F4 (Statement of Living Arrangements, In-Kind Support and Maintenance) or the SSA-795 (Statement of Claimant or Other Person), to document an allegation of a zero or token contribution and an allegation the individual is or is not earmarking a contribution. Document the issue by faxing the paper form into the appropriate electronic folder and dispose of the paper form. For more information on storing forms electronically, refer to GN 00301.322.

NOTE: The SSA-8006-F4, if used, has questions that document earmarking. A signature is no longer required on an SSA-8006-F4 when the Claims Specialist (CS) completes the interview via the telephone. The SSA-8006-F4 is not a self-help document. Therefore, completion of the form will always involve a face-to-face or telephone interview between the adjudicator and individual or representative payee.

E. Procedure for documenting household expenses and contributions when full sharing development is needed

1. Document individual’s allegations

If you cannot curtail sharing development per SI 00835.160D in this section, document the individual’s allegations about household operating expenses and their contribution on the Household of Another page in CCE.

2. Verification of the household operating expenses and contributions

Verification consists of:

  • Verifying the household operating expense and contribution alleged by the eligible individual on the Household of Another page in CCE with the householder or knowledgeable adult member other than the eligible individual’s spouse. Document their verification statement on a Report of Contact page; or

  • If the householder or knowledgeable adult member is not reachable for an interview via the telephone or face-to-face, obtain a signed statement on an SSA-8011-F3 (Statement of Household Expenses and Contributions) regarding each household operating expense and the eligible individual’s contribution. Document the issue by faxing the paper form into the appropriate electronic folder and dispose of the paper form. For additional instructions for the SSA-8011-F3, see SI 00835.625B.

3. Documenting expenses and contributions for non-MSSICS cases when full development is needed

For actions processed outside of CCE, use the:

  • SSA-8006-F4 to record the individual’s allegations, and

  • SSA-8011-F3 for the verification by the householder.

Document by faxing the paper forms into the appropriate electronic folder and then dispose of the paper form. For more information on storing forms electronically, refer to GN 00301.322.

F. Procedure for documenting household expenses if the contribution is under or over $20

1. When verification is required

Obtain verification of household operating expenses and contributions from the householder if the eligible individual’s alleged contribution is within $20 of the pro rata share.

Do not obtain verification of the household operating expenses and contributions if the difference between the alleged contribution and the pro rata share is $20 or more.

2. Alleged pro rata share exceeds the alleged contribution by $20 or more

When the alleged pro rata share exceeds the contribution by $20 or more:

  • Determine sharing does not exist;

  • Verification from a knowledgeable adult household member is not needed;

  • Ask if the individual is earmarking the contribution. If the individual is earmarking, see SI 00835.170, “Earmarked Sharing” to develop; and

  • If the individual alleges no earmarking, complete the Household of Another page accordingly and determine VTR (FLA/B) applies. The individual’s answers on the Household of Another page are sufficient documentation for establishing that earmarking does not apply.

NOTE: For actions processed outside of CCE on paper forms (e.g. SSA-8006-F3) use a Report of Contact page to document the individual is not earmarking. Document the issue by faxing the paper form into the appropriate electronic folder and dispose of the paper form. For more information on storing forms electronically, refer to GN 00301.322.

3. Alleged contribution exceeds the alleged pro rata share by $20 or more

When the alleged contribution exceeds the pro rata share by $20 or more:

  • Determine sharing exists;

  • Verification from a knowledgeable household member is not needed; and

  • Cease development unless the individual alleges a prepaid contribution. If there is an allegation of a prepaid contribution, see instructions on computing the monthly contribution amount in SI 00835.480.

4. Alleged contribution is within $20 of the pro rata share

When the alleged contribution is within $20 of the pro rata share:

  • Verification of the household expenses and contributions is needed following the instructions in SI 00835.160E, in this section;

  • Determine a sharing arrangement (FLA/A) exists if the individual's contribution is within $20 of the pro rata share;

  • Determine the VTR (FLA/B) applies if the pro rata share exceeds the contribution by more than $20 unless the individual alleges earmarking the contribution;

  • If the individual alleges earmarking, see SI 00835.170 to develop;

  • If the individual alleges no earmarking, document the allegation on the Household of Another page. The individual’s answers are sufficient documentation the contribution is not earmarked; and

  • When the alleged contribution is within $20 of the pro rata share, determine the VTR applies if verification of household operating expenses and contributions cannot be obtained from the householder or a knowledgeable member of the household.

NOTE: Prior to October 1, 2021, the individual’s contribution had to be within $5 of the pro rata share in bullets 2 and 3.

G. Examples of sharing determinations

EXAMPLE 1: Pro rata share exceeds the contribution by $20 or more

Grayson, an eligible individual, lives in an apartment with Simon and Bob. The lease is in Simon's name.

Grayson alleges the household operating expenses are $450 per month and Grayson contributes $100 per month. Grayson also alleges the contribution is not earmarked.

NOTE: Document the claimant’s allegation on the Household of Another page in CCE.

The alleged pro rata share is $150. Because the alleged pro rata share exceeds the alleged contribution by at least $20, the adjudicator determines Grayson is receiving ISM valued at the VTR (FLA/B applies). No verification from the householder or knowledgeable household member is required.

EXAMPLE 2: Contribution exceeds the pro rata share by $20

Similar to Example 1, except Grayson alleges contributing $175 per month. Because the alleged contribution exceeds the pro rata share by at least $20, we determined Grayson to be in a sharing arrangement (FLA/A applies). No verification from the householder or knowledgeable household member is required.

EXAMPLE 3: Contribution is within $20 of the pro rata share

Similar to the above examples, except Grayson alleges contributing $140 per month. Because this alleged contribution is within $20 of the pro rata share, the file must contain verification of the household operating expenses and Grayson's contribution.

Obtain a signed statement (SSA-8011-F3) or document the verification statement on a Report of Contact page in CCE from Bob (householder or a knowledgeable adult householder member other than the eligible individual’s spouse). Bob states Grayson contributes $125 per month and the household operating expenses total $435 per month.

Using these verified amounts, the CS determines the pro rata share is $145. Because Grayson's contribution of $125 per month is within $20 of the pro rata share, a sharing arrangement is found to exist (FLA/A with no ISM applies).

EXAMPLE 4: Eligible child sharing determination

Samantha, an eligible child, lives with their parent, younger sibling, and grandparent in a home owned by the grandparent. The CS determines Samantha's parent does not have rental liability and public assistance household, separate purchase, separate consumption, and earmarking do not apply.

Although Samantha lives with their parent and sibling, the CS must develop sharing because they live in the household of another (the grandparent's home).

Samantha's parent does not contribute any of their own money toward the household operating expenses. Samantha's parent alleges $150 per month from Samantha’s SSI goes toward total household operating expenses of $1200 per month. Samantha's contribution does not meet the $300 pro rata share, so the CS determines the VTR applies.

Because Samantha's contribution is not within $20 of the pro rata share, verification from a householder or knowledgeable household member is not required.

NOTE: Although Samantha lives in the grandparent's home, we still consider Samantha to be living with their parent for deeming purposes.

EXAMPLE 5: Eligible child sharing determination

Same situation as in Example 4, except Samantha's parent now also contributes $600 of their own funds toward the household expenses. Following the procedure in SI 00835.210, “The One-Third Reduction Provision and Deeming,” the CS allocates the parent's contribution as follows:

  • allocates $300 to cover the parent's own pro rata share;

  • divides the excess $300 equally between Samantha and their sibling, and the resulting $150 is considered a contribution by Samantha;

  • adds this amount to the $150 Samantha contributes from Samantha's SSI check, resulting in a total contribution by Samantha of $300 per month; and

  • determines sharing exists (FLA/C) and the VTR does not apply once the CS obtains verification of the $300 pro rata share and $300 contribution.

Because Samantha's alleged total contribution is within $20 of the pro rata share, verification by a householder or knowledgeable household member other than the eligible individual’s spouse is required.

The CS documents the contact with the grandparent on a Report of Contact page; if the grandparent is not available by phone or in person, the CS mails an SSA-8011-F3 to obtain verification of sharing over the grandparent’s signature.

H. References

  • SI 00835.210, The One-Third Reduction Provision and Deeming

  • SI 00835.340, Computation of In-Kind Support and Maintenance from Within a Household

  • SI 00835.465, ISM and Households - Household Costs

  • SI 00835.480, Contributions Toward Household Operating Expenses

  • SI 00835.600, SSA-8006-F4 – Statement of Living Arrangement, In-Kind Support and Maintenance

  • SI 00835.625, SSA-8011-F3 – Statement of Household Expenses and Contributions

  • MS 08110.014, Household of Another

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