The Dallas Regional Office (RO) reviews overpayment determinations only when national
instructions require RO concurrence.
Per SI
02220.005, the following overpayment determinations require concurrence by an RO reviewer on
behalf of the Assistant Regional Commissioner for Management and Operations Support
(ARC MOS) when the overpayment exceeds $20,000:
Unable to Locate/ Out of Country,
Compromise Settlement, and
NOTE: When there is a compromise settlement offer for an overpayment exceeding $5,000 but
less than $20,000, follow instructions in SI 02220.031.
Any determination to collect the overpayment (D-TAC, G-TAC or K-TAC) does not require
RO concurrence. Any determination to deny the waiver does not require RO concurrence.
Any determination to refer the overpayment to another agency (MJ, MO, MT, and MS-TAC)
does not require RO concurrence.