Not all of the decisions made regarding payees are initial determinations. The following
are not initial determinations and are not subject to the formal appeals process:
Decision that a minor whom the court finds still to be under parental control needs
a payee;
Payment of a large conserved or accrued benefit to a representative payee in installments;
The applicant cannot appeal the determination not to appoint a payee applicant; (When
appointing someone other than the parent of a minor child as a payee, see GN 00503.110A.1.);
Determination that a representative payee is required for a legally incompetent beneficiary;
Suspension of benefits pending the appointment of a representative payee.
NOTE: A beneficiary may appeal the determination that they are legally incompetent. However,
we must pay the beneficiary through a representative payee unless we change the decision
after obtaining a new court order showing the beneficiary is now legally competent.
See GN 00502.023C for instructions.