NOTE: Restricting an application to only U.S. benefits would be appropriate if there is
no possible entitlement (or earlier entitlement) to a foreign benefit, for example,
the applicant is already entitled to a foreign benefit or is filing for U.S. retirement
benefits at age 62 and the foreign benefit is not payable until age 65. If the applicant
is filing for U.S. Totalization benefits and an SSA-2490 is completed on the modernized
claims system (MCS), the MCS application can be restricted to only U.S. benefits by
answering “No” to the question about filing for benefits from a foreign country on
the additional benefits (ADDB) screen. If the applicant is filing for U.S. retirement,
survivors or disability benefits under a Totalization agreement and a paper or electronic
(e-form) SSA-2490-BK (Application For Benefits Under A U.S. International Social Security
Agreement) is completed, the application can be restricted to only U.S. benefits by
checking the “None” block under the type of foreign benefits claimed in Part I of
the SSA-2490-BK.