We must always document our waiver determination. A waiver determination is an initial
determination with appeal rights. A waiver determination is the basis for all subsequent
appeals, including actions brought in federal court.
We require an SSA-635 For Title II and Title XVI to document waiver determinations
over $2,000. For more information on documenting waiver determinations of $2,000
or less, refer to GN 02250.350.
For Title II waiver determinations, we must complete an SSA-635 for each overpaid
individual included on the SSA-632, if the overpaid individuals were:
living in the same household during the overpayment period;
living in the same household when the waiver was requested; and
overpaid for the same reason.
You must document the SSA-635 by clearly stating the relevant facts of the overpayment
and provide a rationale in support of your waiver determination. The facts supporting
a waiver determination include:
What caused the overpayment;
The dates of the overpayment;
The original amount of the overpayment;
If the overpaid individual is at fault or not at fault
If we determine the overpaid individual is not at fault, whether recovery is:
deemed to defeat the purpose;
against equity and good conscience; or
defeats the purpose of the Act;
If a Title XVI overpayment is caused by resources exceeding the limit by $50 or less
per month an SSI overpayment; and
The POMS section that supports the waiver determination.
We must review any records that contain information relevant to the overpayment amount
and reason, including but not limited to:
Information on the form SSA-632 (Request for Waiver of Overpayment Recovery);
Supporting documentation;
Notes or additional evidence provided during a personal conference;
Online Retrieval Notices (ORS);
Master Beneficiary Record (MBR);
Recovery Accounting and Reporting System (ROAR);
Payment History Update System (PHUS);
Debt Management System (DMS);
Supplemental Security Income Record (SSR); and
Any records in an electronic repository (i.e., Evidence Portal, Consolidated Claims
Experience (CCE), eView, eWork, eComps, Paid vs. Payable charts etc.).