The Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 6334(d)) entitles the beneficiary named on
the notice of levy to exemptions from the levy.
The IRS tables show the amount of an individual's exemption from levy, as determined
by number of dependents and tax filing status. For the amounts exempt from levy, see
Publication 1494 ( ).
Exemption from levy based on number of dependents and tax filing status went into
effect January 1, 2018 and will apply through the end of 2025.
Use the exemption status provided by IRS on form 668W when processing the levy via
the IRS Tax Levy Database System (TAXY) and the system automatically applies the appropriate
exemption amount.
SSA implemented the exemption from levy based on number of dependents and tax status
in August 2019 (COM 09/19).
A person entitled to an exemption on one account cannot be entitled to an exemption
on another account.
A spouse cannot have a dependent exemption on their own account and a dependent's exemption on their spouse's account; or
A child cannot have a dependent's exemption on both parents' accounts.