The U.S. has established bilateral support agreements (reciprocity agreements) with
several countries, Canadian provinces, and Canadian territories. These reciprocity
agreements allow for garnishment of Social Security Administration (SSA) Title II
benefits for child support.
When a garnishment order from a foreign reciprocating country (FRC) is recognized
and enforced in the U.S., the law of the issuing country is applied to the duration
of the order and the amount of support.
Process garnishment orders for child support from the FRC through the Court Ordered
Garnishment System (COGS). Follow processing and documentation instructions for garnishment
cases found in GN 02410.210. Convert garnishment withholding amounts that are given in foreign currency to U.S.
currency amounts at the foreign exchange rate for the date the garnishment order is
signed. For information on obtaining foreign currency exchange rates, see GN 02410.211E in this section.
NOTE: Do not process foreign orders for withholding other than child support garnishment.
Forward foreign garnishment questions and foreign orders for withholding orders other
than child support (e.g., an order for alimony or an order seeking restitution for
crime victims) to the Office of Income Security Programs (OISP), Office of Supplemental
Security Income and Representative Payee Policy (OSSIRP) address in GN 02410.211G in this section. Do not attempt contact with a foreign court.