We consider duplicate check overpayment (O/P) cases for sanction where the evidence
indicates that the beneficiary knowingly made a false statement about receiving the
original check. Field offices (FO) document these cases as they do any other sanction
cases. How do we handle these cases at the program service centers (PSC)?
ANSWER: We consider duplicate check overpayment (O/P) cases for sanctions when the evidence
indicates that the beneficiary knowingly made false statements about receiving the
original checks. The PSCs document all the evidence they have that the person knowingly
stated that they did not receive the checks. Include as evidence a copy of the endorsed
original checks. The PSC then refers the information to the servicing FO. The FO will
initiate the sanction action. For additional information on PSC, Teleservice Center
(TSC), Disability Determination Services (DDS), and Office of Hearings Operations
(OHO) roles in administrative sanctions, see GN 02604.447G (in this section).