We will pay an incentive payment for each inmate report that leads to suspension of
benefits on either title or both titles. If we suspend payments under only one title,
we pay the incentive payment from that title. If we suspend payments under both titles
at the same time, based on the same confinement report, from the same reporting institution,
we pay that reporting institution only one incentive payment. However, we pay 50 percent
of the incentive payment from both titles.
EXAMPLE 1 (Prior to 8/09/18)
Beneficiary A received both Title II and Title XVI concurrent benefits. On 1/31/2018,
Sheriff Z arrested Beneficiary A for theft under $500. After their arrest and booking,
Beneficiary A began their incarceration in CDE Jail. On 2/6/2018, CDE Jail transferred
Beneficiary A to FGH Jail to await trial. Beneficiary A went to trial for their crime.
The court found Beneficiary A guilty of a crime and convicted Beneficiary A on 2/17/2018.
On 2/20/2018, the court subsequently sentenced Beneficiary A to 6 months of confinement
at FGH Jail.
FGH Jail prepared and sent their monthly inmate admission report to us for the incentive
payment program on 2/28/2018. We received FGH Jail’s inmate report on 2/28/2018. PUPS
created a concurrent PUPS alert and sent the alert to the field office (FO) for processing.
On 3/22/2018 after we gave Beneficiary A their administration rights and protections,
the FO technician suspended each title’s portion of Beneficiary A’s combined monthly
payment. Since FGH Jail’s timely inmate report led us to stop payments on Beneficiary
A’s Title II and Title XVI benefits, PUPS will post $200 (1/2 of the $400 T16 incentive
payment) to the T16 Prisoner Status Query (P6QY) screen and $200 (1/2 of the $400
T2 incentive payment) to the T2 Prisoner Status Query (P2QY) screen. After the Bounty
Update Control System (BUCS) does its sweep on 4/1/2018, we will pay $400 to FGH Jail
for the inmate information they provided us to stop Beneficiary A’s concurrent benefits.
EXAMPLE 2 (08/09/18
Beneficiary B receives both Title II and Title XVI concurrent monthly benefits. KLM
Jail’s sheriff arrested Beneficiary B on 7/1/2018 and a court tried, convicted, and
sentenced Beneficiary B for a misdemeanor on 8/3/2018. On 8/3/2018, the court sentenced
Beneficiary B to 90 days in KLM Jail. On 8/31/2018, KLM Jail prepared their monthly
inmate report for the incentive payment program and sent the report to us. We received
the inmate report on 9/1/2018.
After we provided all administrative rights and protections to Beneficiary B, we suspended
their Title XVI benefits retroactive to 8/01/2018 and their Title II benefits to 8/2018.
PUPS posted $100 (1/2 of the $200 T16 incentive payment) to the T16 Prisoner Status
Query (P6QY) screen and $200 (1/2 of the $400 T2 incentive payment) to the T2 Prisoner
Status Query (P2QY) screen. When the Bounty Update Control System (BUCS) did its sweep
on 11/1/2018, it sent a payment of $300 to the Office of Finance to pay KLM Jail for
the inmate report that it provided. In summary, PUPS paid $200 from the Title II RSI
trust fund and it paid $100 from the Title XVI SSI General Fund for a total incentive
payment of $300.00.