We use Form SSA-1699, Representative Registration, to collect personal, business,
and financial information, if applicable, from individuals to:
Establish the identity of the individual;
Establish business affiliations (if any);
Issue a Representative ID (RepID);
Issue a User ID, which is required to access our online services; and
Allow for direct payment of fees, if eligible.
Individuals must register using Form SSA-1699 before an entity can designate that
individual as a POC. Individuals must also register before requesting access to the
electronic claim file (eFolder). For guidance on registering for eFolder access, visit
the Appointed Representative Services (ARS) website at https://www.ssa.gov/ar/.
We store this information in the Registration, Appointment, and Services for Representatives
(RASR) application and refer to the information in RASR whenever claimants appoint
representatives to a claim, matter, or issue, whenever representatives request direct
payment of a fee, whenever an entity designates a POC, and whenever we need to work
with a POC to address a fee-related matter.
For more information on ARS, visit https://www.ssa.gov/ar/. For more information on Electronic Records Express (ERE), visit https://www.ssa.gov/ere/.