RS 02655.000 Foreign Enforcement Program

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
RS 02655.001 The Foreign Enforcement Program (FEP) TN 12 10-23
RS 02655.005 Preparation and Mailing Schedule — Foreign Enforcement Program (FEP) TN 17 06-24
RS 02655.007 Processing the Foreign Enforcement Questionnaire (FEQ) — Wilkes-Barre Direct Operations Center (WBDOC), Payment Center 8 (PC8), and the Federal Benefits Unit (FBU) TN 10 11-20
RS 02655.010 Follow-ups and Suspensions — Foreign Enforcement Program (FEP) TN 18 06-24

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RS 02655.000 - Foreign Enforcement Program - Table of Contents - 06/06/2024
Batch run: 06/06/2024